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  • timtecsa Friend

    1054 Unknown column ‘images’ in ‘field list’ SQL=UPDATE `xu3tf_categories` SET

    Why are ja-quickstart installs still giving such time wasting errors?

    and another 1054 Unknown column ‘images’ in ‘field list’ SQL=UPDATE `xu3tf_menu` SET

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Hi Tim,

    I get the quick start package of JA Magz II template from download page and install it at my end but I could not duplicate the problem as you mentioned above, you can try to download it and re-install again

    Let me know the result


    timtecsa Friend

    I get this problem even if I install Joomla and then add either Teline V or Magz II templates as alternative to quickstart.

    Happens typically on _menu, _banner, _categories which to me indicates a Joomla problem. However I don’t get it if I don’t add a JA template. Maybe something else I usually install causes it. Viet Vu seems to be aware of the issue but he has gone very quiet of late. Maybe related to Joomla updates coupled with JA Templates. Started with 344 and continues with 344 to 345.

    Did you update to J345 after quickstart install and before testing?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I tested from download package and after that upgrading it to Joomla 3.4.5 but I could not get this bug of you mentioned above, you can pm me the credentials info. I will check it further on your site.

    timtecsa Friend

    @ninja Lead access details in PM

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@timtecsa 499590 wrote:</em><blockquote>@Ninja Lead access details in PM</blockquote>

    I could not see the problem as you mentioned above. Which area are you referring to on your site? Things at least look to be running smoothly from what I can see.

    timtecsa Friend

    There is no related problem on the site now because I edited the 3 databases that were missing ‘images’ fields.

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  timtecsa 9 years, 1 month ago.

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