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  • bgies Friend

    I just posted this on another thread:

    Is this error fixed yet?

    The problem is that in 2.5.2 the case of some of the t3import statements was changed. So… people installing or developing on windows won’t see the problem but anyone running on Linux will.

    For instance: on line 17 of jat3/base-themes/default/blocks/usertools/layout-switcher.php
    in 2.5.1 it’s t3import (‘core.libs.Browser’);
    in 2.5.2 it’s t3import (‘core.libs.browser’);

    Notice the B/b in browser. The core.libs.Browser.php will not be found in Linux.

    I found this in the first file I looked at. I don’t know how many other times it happens, but it seems like a lot.

    Has it been fixed?

    BUT… then looked at another file and found the same stupid bug.

    On line 1221 of core/admin/util.php
    in 2.5.1 t3_import(‘core/libs/JSON’);
    in 2.5.2 t3import(‘core.libs.json’);

    The file is core/libs/JSON.php

    Do you guys test on Linux at all? Anyone running Linux would find this stuff immediately. My sites won’t even load one page on the front end… and it seems incredible to me that it wasn’t fixed after 2.5.2 and is still unfixed.

    I’m sure there are many more of these. I’ve only looked at two files, and just skimmed through the changes, and spotted these two…

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I’m so sorry about this, on during time upgrade and fix some bug on JAT3 Framework our dev was mistake on this, you can download directly latest JA T3framework here. If you have still the same error please PM to me the details info your site, i will help you out of.

    bgies Friend

    Just so you know, it didn’t actually cause me much in the way of problems. I didn’t need any of the changes. I just have one site that I keep upgraded just to test changes, and I was able to roll it back quite easily. The Rollback feature is a great tool to have!!

    My main point in writing was to alert you to the reason people are reporting problems because nobody seemed to be taking the reports seriously, and any testing on a Linux site would have immediately shown the extent of the problem. Not one page on any Linux site would have rendered correctly at least with ja_portfolio, which is the template I use on my test site..

    Anyway, thanks for fixing it. I’ll test it this weekend.

    bgies Friend

    Just tested 2.5.4, and it’s the same result. Not one page will display on the front-end. Glad the rollback feature works.

    I haven’t noticed any case issues in 2.5.4 yet, but I can’t debug it because I use Windows at home for development.

    Did notice this however:
    Line 18 in jat3.php was added.
    jimport(‘joomla.html.parameter’); … but joomla.html.parameter is a folder. I’m assuming this should be joomla.html.parameter.element, or ???.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I have checked JAT3 2.5.4(for Linux).

    t3import (‘core.libs.browser’); ->plugins/plg_system_jat3/jat3/core/libs/browser.php
    jimport( ‘joomla.html.parameter’ ); is JParameter but we changed JParameter -> JRegistry

    If you have anything problem about JAT3 version 2.5.4 you can list error and PM to me the details information of your site(URL, admin access and FTP account). I will help you out of

    bgies Friend

    Just wanted to confirm that upgrading T3 using the Joomla Extension manager and the package from http://www.joomlart.com/forums/downloads.php?do=cat&id=361 does work.

    But… upgrading using the ja_ext_manager did not.

    Anyway, problem solved for me :).

    audiopaul Friend

    Hi Bgies,

    Just curious, could this solve also my issue which I posted yesterday? http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/white-screen-after-upgrade-to-ja-t3-2-5-1-or-higher/
    I have also no front end after upgrading the JA T3 system plugin with the JA Extensionmanager from 2.50 to any higher version. My website is also hosted on a Linux server with PHP 5.3.X.
    I haven’t tried the manual method with the Joomla extension manager so far because I’m not sure I can roll back to JA T3 version 2.5.0 without the JA Extension manager.

    Greetings, Paul

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Hi Paul,

    You can backup and screenshot config on JAT3 Framework and download to directly JAT3 2.5.1 version from link and reinstall again.


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