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  • splico123 Friend

    Hey there i have big problem after updating to latest ja news pro module.

    CASE: K2 latest version installed.

    Trying to use 6 different independent categories, they show titles OK, but the links and items are pulled from random categories and not from their parent categores. that is just not acceptable.

    Second i now get error on my page Warning: Attempt to assign property of non-object in /public_html/modules/mod_janewspro/helpers/adapter/k2.php on line 266 for each category shown.. NOT ACCEPTABLE…

    version of the module is 2.5.2, version before was not showing errors but had same problem with category items…

    to clarify: cat1 has subcat1 and sub-subcat1, cat2 has subcat1 and sub-subcat1
    you choose cat1 and cat2 to show items from subcategories what happens is: title from cat1 and cat2 is shown correctly. but intro, and item titles are messed up and under cat1 shows items from cat2 and other way around, when it should just show items from cat1 and its sub categories.

    PLEASE need urgent fix on this.

    splico123 Friend

    come on devs, where is that support?

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi splico123,

    <blockquote>Trying to use 6 different independent categories, they show titles OK, but the links and items are pulled from random categories and not from their parent categores. that is just not acceptable.</blockquote>

    Can you let me know exactly the categories, items that I can check to see the problem ?

    <blockquote> Second i now get error on my page Warning: Attempt to assign property of non-object in /public_html/modules/mod_janewspro/helpers/adapter/k2.php on line 266 for each category shown.. NOT ACCEPTABLE…</blockquote>
    Would you mind update me with your FTP info , I will have a closer look and fix the issue for you.

    splico123 Friend

    sent you pm, thanks for trying to help.

    321fly Friend

    <em>@splico123 326146 wrote:</em><blockquote>sent you pm, thanks for trying to help.</blockquote>
    Hi, did you fix the problem? Cause I still have
    “Warning: Attempt to assign property of non-object in /home/public_html/modules/mod_janewspro/helpers/adapter/k2.php on line 266”
    Would be grateful if anybody can explain how update and file fix in k2 can help

    laweb Friend

    I also I have the same error, even k2.php Replace the file and the error continues.

    1. error_emprend
    Sherlock Friend

    Hi 321fly,

    I took a look again at your site and did not see the problem there, also I tried to access your back-end via the url http://www.croatian-coast.info/administrator but it seem to be an incorrect administrator url 🙁

    Sherlock Friend

    <em>@laweb 330897 wrote:</em><blockquote>I also I have the same error, even k2.php Replace the file and the error continues. </blockquote>

    Hi laweb,

    I am not sure the module has a file name fix_k2.php, let me know if you created this file 🙂

    321fly Friend

    Try as in this thread <em>@321fly 330922 wrote:</em><blockquote>Luckily it seems I found one of the ways to solve that is to delete row 266 in k2.php situated in public_html / modules / mod_janewspro / helpers / adapter.
    Hope that will work well and would be helpful to other newbies.</blockquote>

    I used notepad++ to find the row 266, then deleted the row in file k2.php. Of course make sure you have saved your original file.

    My version are k2 2.5.7 and Ja newpro 2.5.2
    If helps pls do thanks🙂

    splico123 Friend

    That is not really a solution that i would do since i never like to delete code unless i am sure it wont break something, and even then i triple check it with other stuff too… but yeah that is solution if you don’t have anything else to fall back on. What i did was reconfigured my php.ini a bit and it works now.

    321fly Friend

    Splico123, probably that way is more applicable. Could you give an example for edited php.ini file pls?
    I would like to try the solution you say.

    321fly Friend

    Splice123, if its is still actual. That link might be useful here

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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