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  • mitti2000 Friend

    Hi everybody

    I just have a small problem.

    I’m working on a website and I’m using Megamenu. On all the websites I did before I usually had automatically 1 column on megamenu level1. On this website I have 4 menuitems parented to “Ausgaben”. But they show up in 2 columns. Can someone tell me why?

    I’m using Joomla 1.7.3

    Here is the website:


    swissa Friend

    This comes from Parameters (JA Extended) in edit menรผ item. There is a section for columns. You can set it to one there.

    mitti2000 Friend

    Thanks for you answer

    The problem is, it is set to 1 ๐Ÿ˜€

    Any other suggestions?

    swissa Friend


    I’ve not encountered that before. All cache cleaned? JAT3 usw?

    Try setting it to 2 columns and then switching it back to 1? ๐Ÿ˜€

    No additional class in there?

    mitti2000 Friend


    I have no additional class and I tried setting it to 2 and back to one. No luck

    How do I clean the JAT3 cache? The caching of the template is disabled


    swissa Friend

    In the admin screen at the top of the page – on the same line as view site and log out – there is JAT3 Clean Cache

    mitti2000 Friend

    That didn’t work either

    What I just tried and worked is changing the Parameters (JA Extended) –> Submenu Column Width to 120. My guess is that the standard witdth of the submenu column (200px) is to wide for my website.

    I think I can work with that as a workaround. Still hope to get a better solution.


    swissa Friend

    Well done!

    It works and that’s what matters!

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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