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  • johnsnyder Friend

    i know that this question is trivial, but
    how have only 2 columns (not 3) on a specific article of joomla like this : http://template.joomlart.com/ja_mageia/content/blogcategory/1/54/
    ? ???

    Thank very much

    Menalto Friend

    You can set that up in the menu, go to Menu>Main Menu>Home and on right side there you can set up how you want it to look like.

    johnsnyder Friend

    thank you but that’s not my problem, i would like only 1 right column (or 1 left column) in somes pages (not only the home pâge).
    The central column is too little for my article.
    see this image

    Thank you

    Menalto Friend

    To get that you need to go to the modules settings and turn off the modules in right or left position on the pages you want to have only 2 columns

    johnsnyder Friend

    Thank You Very Very Much !!!

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  johnsnyder 17 years, 4 months ago.

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