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  • thatcomputerdude Friend

    Seriously, what is going on? This is getting really old.

    hanifahmed Friend

    They’ll either release it by Thursday, or move three into May – but it’s going to have to end in May otherwise they’re going to get some really disappointed customers.

    Phill Moderator

    What second template, we have not had the first yet. I was under the impression that JA tube was the third template for March.

    hanifahmed Friend

    Third for March was Ruby, it says March Bonus Theme. First for April was Tube.

    Phill Moderator

    Ok whatever. I’m happy with what we have but I am sure some will complain.

    thatcomputerdude Friend

    Well, if talking about what was promised through a paid contract is complaining, then I’m complaining.

    I don’t think asking for what you paid for is asking too much. At the very least it’s just good business practice to communicate with your clients of what is going on.

    This is turning into a joke. I promote JA to thousands of Joomla users, new ones getting into Joomla. I can understand some growing pains over a few months but this is ridiculous. I know I won’t be promoting JA to anyone if this doesn’t stop this month. I will be sure to promote and talk about other clubs to the users in our classes.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@phill luckhurst 126291 wrote:</em><blockquote>Ok whatever. I’m happy with what we have but I am sure some will complain.</blockquote>
    someone already is complaining – ergo, the creation of this thread


    Phill Moderator

    You may have a point there:p

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@thatcomputerdude 126292 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    This is turning into a joke. I promote JA to thousands of Joomla users, new ones getting into Joomla. I can understand some growing pains over a few months but this is ridiculous. I know I won’t be promoting JA to anyone if this doesn’t stop this month. I will be sure to promote and talk about other clubs to the users in our classes.</blockquote>
    So you’re saying that the product you have been delivered by JA isn’t worthy of your respect and promotion JUST BECAUSE you may have to wait a little longer to get the next template?

    So, using THAT logic, I guess your students should petition for your termination every time you are late to class, eh ? . . .
    Or, if you are late with something, that must make you a horrible instructor, eh? . . . the heck with the reason.

    thatcomputerdude Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 126310 wrote:</em><blockquote>So you’re saying that the product you have been delivered by JA isn’t worthy of your respect and promotion JUST BECAUSE you may have to wait a little longer to get the next template?

    So, using THAT logic, I guess your students should petition for your termination every time you are late to class, eh ? . . .
    Or, if you are late with something, that must make you a horrible instructor, eh? . . . the heck with the reason.</blockquote>

    You’ve completely taken my thread out of context and missed the point.

    This thread isn’t even a “complaint” thread – it’s to ask what is going on. If some of you don’t grasp the concept, then don’t reply to the thread and waste the people time that get it.

    edit: I just realized who I was responding to. I’ve seen your posts before, which are typically clueless like asking everyone that posts a site to be nominated what template they used – which can easily be found be viewing the source code.

    thatcomputerdude Friend

    <em>@thatcomputerdude 126279 wrote:</em><blockquote>Seriously, what is going on? This is getting really old.</blockquote>

    Let me break this down so everyone can get it without a picture being drawn.

    I paid for a product. I’m unhappy with the lack of effort to have my product delivered in the scope that was outlined prior to purchase. Because of this, I’ve created a thread to directly ask what the problem is. This opens up a direct line of communication to find out what the issue(s) are. I promote this product to more developers than anyone else in this community, at no charge to JA – I do it because I felt they offered one of the top products in this industry, behind 1 other Club. I feel I deserve a simple answer as to what the problem is.

    It really is that simple. If you can’t grasp the concept, able to comprehend it or just like to disagree for attention – don’t bother posting here, spend your time doing something else.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@thatcomputerdude 126319 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    edit: I just realized who I was responding to. I’ve seen your posts before, which are typically clueless like asking everyone that posts a site to be nominated what template they used – which can easily be found be viewing the source code.</blockquote>
    Ironic coming from a guy who ….. because the second April template is a little late – and so he’s going to stop promoting JoomlART to people and threatens to start promoting other clubs.


    TomC Moderator

    <em>@thatcomputerdude 126321 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    I paid for a product. I’m unhappy with the lack of effort to have my product delivered in the scope that was outlined prior to purchase. Because of this, I’ve created a thread to directly ask what the problem is. This opens up a direct line of communication to find out what the issue(s) are. I promote this product to more developers than anyone else in this community, at no charge to JA – I do it because I felt they offered one of the topic products in this industry, behind 1 other Club. I feel I deserve a simple answer as to what the problem is.

    It really is that simple. If you can’t grasp the concept, able to comprehend it or just like to disagree for attention – don’t bother posting here, spend your time doing something else.</blockquote>
    Nice attempt at preemptive deflection.

    The issue here is one of form versus function. You are upset because you have to wait a little longer for the 2nd April 2009 template. You say NOTHING about the “quality” of JoomlART products – which should be the basis for promoting/recommending JoomlART products to developers in the first place.

    It’s the typical “but Daddy, I want an Oompa Loompa NOW” ranting that crops up every so often. What I find most humorous about the entire thing is that none of you even know what the next template is and/or if you will be able to even utilize it. Hung generally comes through – even if you all have to wait a few extra days. Here’s an idea . . . how about developing a little patience and instead of wasting server space ranting and complaining – focus on the website(s) you should be working on instead. 😎

    thatcomputerdude Friend

    Again, you have completely taken what I’ve said out of context and twisted it.

    Maybe you should read my posts slower because I haven’t done anything that you just claimed.

    It’s called asking a question to find out what’s going on.

    thatcomputerdude Friend

    <em>@thatcomputerdude 126321 wrote:</em><blockquote>Let me break this down so everyone can get it without a picture being drawn.

    I paid for a product. I’m unhappy with the lack of effort to have my product delivered in the scope that was outlined prior to purchase. Because of this, I’ve created a thread to directly ask what the problem is. This opens up a direct line of communication to find out what the issue(s) are. I promote this product to more developers than anyone else in this community, at no charge to JA – I do it because I felt they offered one of the top products in this industry, behind 1 other Club. I feel I deserve a simple answer as to what the problem is.

    It really is that simple. If you can’t grasp the concept, able to comprehend it or just like to disagree for attention – don’t bother posting here, spend your time doing something else.</blockquote>

    I do it because I felt they offered one of the top products in this industry

    If you are going to spend so much time making long posts, could you at least make them accurate.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 35 total)

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