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  • martinus Friend

    Two Questions I need to find the answers for:
    1.: I doing a site for an artist. Therefore we have produces numerous galleries this way due to choices of layout and navigation: The galleries are made this way: First making a new article with some text in one of the box-designs that came with the template – in this case "jumbotron jumbotron-primary masthead" from JA Resume. And secondly assigning a gallery to the Mast-bottom-position. Take a look at this page: http://caetano.info/new2/da/works/tidligere-v%C3%A6rker/vandfarver and the attached screendump.
    The Questions is: I think there is to much space between the bottom of the redish-box in top of the page and the top of the gallery.
    How will I – best practice – be able to reduce the amount of space between the contents of the article and top of the module assigned to the page?

    Secondly: I’m usinge two versions of the template due to the design of my logo: In the black front page it contains white text. But in contents pages where the background is all white it uses black text. Controlled by a copy of the template-style called JA Resume Default2.
    Now I want to darken the background color used when the mainmenu in top of the page drops down. As it is now, its white on white. I would like to change the dropdown background to #eeeeee.
    But how and not least where do I do this?

    Thanks once again

    1. Skærmbillede-2016-11-05-kl.-16.42.10
    2. Skærmbillede-2016-11-05-kl.-16.42.24
    Ninja Lead Moderator


    Have you solved the problem on your site? I checked the menu: http://prntscr.com/d4oxst and http://prntscr.com/d4oym3 are working as well on your site


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