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  • seaneo Friend

    Hello, there are three articles appearing twice on the home page at

    1) Vineyard resources
    2) Wine tours
    3) Public events

    Any ideas? I have scoured the backend looking for clues with no luck – thank you!

    seaneo Friend

    Every time I add a new article to the home page, the triplicate content changes, but still stays as 3 cases.

    For example in this moment the three are:

    1) Beauty and grooming
    2) Rafting
    3) Aconcagua

    I am adding lots of content this morning so it will no doubt change again

    Help! thanks:)

    seaneo Friend

    Please, this is red hot, can someone from Joomlart help? I left the key info for support to log in if needed, thanks

    Now, after adding more articles to the home page, the three cases of duplication are

    Beauty and grooming

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi seaneo,

    I just took a look but does not see those mentioned items display twice, you can change to a normal layout (normal blog layout) to see if those display twice, if they do then I think the problem belong to your database system.

    seaneo Friend

    Hi Sherlock,

    I just saw this as I am on Argentina time…

    I don’t understand how you cannot see these three mentioned articles duplicated on the front page of

    I just called 2 people and they see them.

    I don’t know what you mean about database, All’s I did was buy this template and follow the instructions, I never messed with the database.

    Please advise urgently, this is past red hot, as I need to show this page to people – let me know if you need the login info again – thank you!!

    seaneo Friend

    again the three that are currently showing duplicate are:

    Beauty and grooming

    seaneo Friend

    Hello Joomlart staff, I know it’s a Sunday, but I have had this posted since Thursday, and I am really under the gun on this.

    I left you the login information when I posted this, let me know if you can’t get in.

    There seems to be some kind of database bug in my case where three random articles are showing up TWICE on the home page ..

    If you look at it from a desktop, it seems to be a different case then from some mobiles…not the same 3 articles posted twice, and sometimes from a mobile device, the problem is not evident.

    From my desktop at the moment, I currently see these three articles showing twice:

    1) Vineyard living
    2) Asados
    3) Financial directory listings.

    Everytime i add an article, different articles show up as “the three duplicates”

    Please help me get this fixed, this is red hot – thank you so much.


    internetix Friend

    I am also having this issue. Some of my articles gets duplicated on the wall. :((

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi seaneo,

    I have apply small fix on your site. Please check again.
    Please make sure the Default List Limit equal to the number of items on page load. Please take a look on screenshots for more detail.


    internetix Friend

    Any advice on how to fix this ?

    Thanks !

    internetix Friend

    Thanks Wall Crasher, Problem Solved ! 🙂

    seaneo Friend

    Thanks wall crasher, was that the problem with mine also?

    you wrote:

    “Please make sure the Default List Limit equal to the number of items on page load. Please take a look on screenshots for more detail.

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi internetix,

    First, you need to determine how many articles you will load for each page, then change the #Leading Articles value only.
    For other number please keep the same as in this screenshot.

    Then change Default List Limit to the same number as #Leading Articles
    This will help the infinity scroll function work correctly.

    And please DO NOT set Article Order to ‘Random’. Infinity scroll does not support this kind of order.

    Hope it helps.


    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi seaneo,

    Your problem is the same.
    I have made change on your site.
    You can take a look again to see it has been fixed or not.


    titanrocks Friend

    I’m having the same issue and I’ve set the limit to 15 as shown in the screenshots. Can someone please assist?

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