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  • john078 Friend

    1. adding google analytics code in the template default page crashes the site

    2. still have a problem with popups generated by JCE editor

    3. Cant find how to make the “submit to newsletter” work

    pavit Moderator

    Probably you missed something

    <blockquote>1. adding google analytics code in the template default page crashes the site</blockquote>

    Please tell us where and how you added the GA code because there are thousands of ja travel templates with GA code correctly added and none of them crashes

    <blockquote>2. still have a problem with popups generated by JCE editor</blockquote>

    You need to ask for help in the JCE forum

    <blockquote>3. Cant find how to make the “submit to newsletter” work</blockquote>

    Submit to newsletter is a sample module if you want to enable the features for it you need to have your customized code managing the newsletter

    john078 Friend

    copy pasted the code:

    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

    ga(‘create’, ‘UA-46689849-1’, ‘thaisereizen.nl’);
    ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’);


    into the default page of the template

    The problem with the jce popup is related to the template and had something to do with the tabs.
    Ofcourse i asked JCE about this… see below discussion:

    the media box cannot be used on a page with any kind of a tab module, is there a way to solve this?

    Like on this page

    I’ve deleted the tabs, instead i’m using a menu, but it stil doesn’t work.
    No popups… cliking on the image… opens in an new window

    Their answer:

    This function on your site :

    do_nothing( function() {

    SqueezeBox.assign($$(‘a.modal’), {
    parse: ‘rel’

    where can i find that and how to change it???

    I don’t know where this script comes from, perhaps your template or another extension you have installed.

    is causing an error, which is preventing other scripts after it from executing.

    Nazario A Friend

    Hi john078,

    <blockquote>1. adding google analytics code in the template default page crashes the site</blockquote>

    Please follow suggestion in this post

    <blockquote>2. still have a problem with popups generated by JCE editor</blockquote>

    You can confirm root of issue by switching default template to a standard Joomla! template like Beez. Then:
    – If it still does not work then the error comes from JCE editor and you should ask the developer of JCE editor.
    – If it works, please get back to me, I will help you out.

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