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  • Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    On your site there are permission issues >
    Kindly Make them writable and turn off output buffering .
    755 for directories and 644 for files .

    Hope it helps .

    Spell Friend

    I am using Admin Tools to make them 755 and 644 . It said it had done it… i will do it manually from myplesk. Thank you.

    Spell Friend

    Changed everything again manually to 755 and 644 for the files. Refreshed and now the site works.

    But in the system information the whole list is still unwritable. Should i worry?

    Spell Friend

    Nah. Problem persists. check my permissions in the printscreens

    In joomla still has unwritable. :/

    1. 1111111
    2. 222222
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    It still unwritable >
    Contact your hosting provider for this issue, there is something wrong between Joomla and your server .

    Spell Friend

    Did it. The permissions are all green now. Owner of files isnt apache anymore but me.

    Problem persists though with random error : 404 article not found. At 5 or 6 refreshes it gives the error.

    1. Writable
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    the error 404 coming article not found , In most cases its due to some of the content on your site is not published but used by a menu or module .
    You need to publish all category and article on site to check this or take backup of the site an allow me to proceed this .
    Since the content that is selected by an item is not published this result the error .

    Spell Friend

    Will do. Ok Starting cleaning up.

    Spell Friend

    Well as i can see the only articles iu have unpublish are from demo content. HOME wouldnt have an article as homepage. I have taken a backup with Akeeba. Please do your magic. 🙂

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Your site is giving internal server error >
    Please check and fix it with your hosting provider first .

    Spell Friend

    Hey. All is good now. Had to change the php version. Plus the problem seems to have gone away. Please leave this topic open for now. I will update tomorow if the problem persists.

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Great !
    I already published all the category on your site that fix the 404 . Make sure when u delete the category check site , one of the category was used by a menu or module that result the 404 issue .

    Spell Friend

    I think it was the home icon. How did you change that?

    Spell Friend

    The problem persists. When i hit the HOME icon in MAIN MENU i get the same 404. How do i change it ? I havent touched the categories .

    1. this
    Spell Friend

    Also i dont need all those categories. I need a solution to the problem not a fix. I dont need them to show. I dont need them at all.

    Please tell me how to remove the article connection to home icon and how can i unpublish these categories without having problems. And please tell me which was doing the conflict.

    Thank you very much.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

This topic contains 17 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Spell 8 years, 1 month ago.

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