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  • hariorama Friend


    my hoster says, that the template or an extension, modul etc. uses to many ressources, that’s why the website gets so many 508.

    can please someone check out, what might be the problem?


    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    I see that your website is not too slow now.
    Enabling cache, compressing javascript and css file can help your site works quicker.

    I have used Firebug to check, and dont see 508 error with any file.
    Please tell me which tool did you use to check.
    I will recheck and give you more advise

    hariorama Friend

    thanks for your answer thanhnv. i have cache enabled und compressing plugin is working.

    the problem is, that my hoster says, the homepage is using to many ressources. if there are 20 guest coming to the site within 5 minutes, then the page will not load properly, only the 508 message will come.

    also the tooltips are not working properly –> for example on the frontpage the youtube videos etc???

    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    Hello mate,

    tooltips works properly now, did you re-config it?

    Since, your hosting does not seem strong enough to serve many users coincidentally.

    – You should disable some modules in home page
    – Enable cache for JA News2 module (I dit that for you)

    I think that it can help to reduce work load.

    hariorama Friend

    well, i’m happy that the tooltips work on your monitor. they definitely do not work on all the other monitors around the world.

    they do not work on the youtube video images on the frontpage (user1) and also not on the news images (content-top, mod_janews_fp ). somehow they work on mod_janews2 (content-bot).

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  hariorama 13 years, 5 months ago.

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