test melih
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  • ruland Friend

    Hello, i have problem using jsn uniform – form building component. There is css conflict with form rows.

    Here is screen shot that shows, that form uses bootstrap css insted it’s own css P.S. dont look at the code around it is turned off yeeditor plugin.

    Here is the screen shot where i have changed purity III template to defult Beez template and everything is in palase

    1. 2014_09_15_101721
    2. 2014_09_15_102418
    TomC Moderator

    It would be helpful if you could provide the url of the site you’re working on, so we can view the issue online.

    Also, if you could describe how the form is supposed to look/display, this will be helpful as well.

    ruland Friend

    Thanks for reply.

    Here is two links from the web site i am working on:

    1. Displaying form with Purity III template http://rcc16.ru/index.php/form-purity

    2. Displaying form with defult joomla template http://rcc16.ru/index.php/form-test

    TomC Moderator

    Try This . . . .

    Within file path —> /plugins/system/jsnframework/assets/joomlashine/css/jsn-general.css
    at line 160, modify as follows:

    .jsn-master .jsn-input-xlarge-fluid {
    height: 50%;
    width: 90%;


    Better ?? 😎

    ruland Friend

    Thank you for you help

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@ruland 446345 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thank you for you help</blockquote>

    Just making sure … Was that the result you were looking for ??

    ruland Friend

    Yes it was helpfull, for now i think it is ok. Thanks again.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ruland 10 years, 4 months ago.

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