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  • yohanes Friend

    Hi all,

    I need a help. Could anybody help me?

    Until yesterday evening, my site was doing well with joomfish. But this morning, I got a serious trouble. When I opened it I got this result: Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: mldatabase in /public_html/prova/mambots/system/jfdatabase.systembot.php on line 53.

    For the moment, I put my site test in a folder named “prova” (in Italian it means ‘test’) . It was functioning very well and looked very nice with ja_regulus-extra and joomfish. But it finished just this Sunday morning.

    May I have a genius and a kind helper in this forum. I tried to go to mambots/system/jsdatabase.systembot.php, but I did not have any idea.



    Michael Casha Friend

    <em>@yohanes 15376 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi all,

    I need a help. Could anybody help me?

    Until yesterday evening, my site was doing well with joomfish. But this morning, I got a serious trouble. When I opened it I got this result: Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: mldatabase in /public_html/prova/mambots/system/jfdatabase.systembot.php on line 53.

    For the moment, I put my site test in a folder named “prova” (in Italian it means ‘test’) . It was functioning very well and looked very nice with ja_regulus-extra and joomfish. But it finished just this Sunday morning.

    May I have a genius and a kind helper in this forum. I tried to go to mambots/system/jsdatabase.systembot.php, but I did not have any idea.


    It seems to be an issue with a 3rd party mambot, but can you please upload jsdatabase.systembot.php?

    yohanes Friend

    Dear MiCCAS,

    Here is the jsdatabase.systembot.php? in my site:

    * Joom!Fish – Multi Lingual extention and translation manager for Joomla!
    * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Think Network GmbH, Munich
    * All rights reserved. The Joom!Fish project is a set of extentions for
    * the content management system Joomla!. It enables Joomla!
    * to manage multi lingual sites especially in all dynamic information
    * which are stored in the database.
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place – Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,USA.
    * The “GNU Lesser General Public License” (LGPL) is available at
    * http: *http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html
    * —————————————————————————–
    * $Id: ReadMe,v 1.2 2005/03/15 11:07:01 akede Exp $

    /** ensure this file is being included by a parent file */
    defined( ‘_VALID_MOS’ ) or die( ‘Direct Access to this location is not allowed.’ );

    $_MAMBOTS->registerFunction( ‘onStart’, ‘botJFDatabase’ );
    $_MAMBOTS->registerFunction( ‘onAfterStart’, ‘botJFDiscoverLanguage’ );
    $_MAMBOTS->registerFunction( ‘onAfterStart’, ‘botJFInitialize’ );

    if (file_exists( ‘components/com_joomfish/joomfish.php’ )) {
    require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . ‘/administrator/components/com_joomfish/mldatabase.class.php’ );
    require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . ‘/administrator/components/com_joomfish/joomfish.class.php’ );
    //require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path ‘/components/com_joomfish/includes/joomfish.class.php’ );

    * Exchange of the database abstraction layer for multi lingual translations.
    function botJFDatabase() {
    global $mosConfig_host, $mosConfig_user, $mosConfig_password, $mosConfig_db, $mosConfig_dbprefix,$mosConfig_debug;

    $GLOBALS[ ‘mosConfig_mbf_content’ ] = ‘1’; // ToDo: Might need correction!!
    $GLOBALS[ ‘mosConfig_multilingual_support’ ] = 1;
    $database = new mlDatabase($mosConfig_host, $mosConfig_user, $mosConfig_password, $mosConfig_db, $mosConfig_dbprefix);
    $database->debug( $mosConfig_debug );
    $GLOBALS[‘database’] = $database;


    /** The function finds the language which is to be used for the user/session
    * It is possible to choose the language based on the client browsers configuration,
    * the activated language of the configuration and the language a user has choosen in
    * the past. The decision of this order is done in the JoomFish configuration.
    * The other topic while choosing the language is to change the $mosConfig_lang var
    * for the other CMT’s and same this for the user in the session or cockie.
    function botJFDiscoverLanguage ( ) {
    global $mosConfig_lang, $database,$_MAMBOTS;
    $GLOBALS[‘mosConfig_defaultLang’] = $mosConfig_lang; // Save the default language of the site

    // check if param query has previously been processed
    if ( !isset($_MAMBOTS->_system_mambot_params[‘jfSystembot’]) ) {
    // load mambot params info
    $query = “SELECT params”
    . “n FROM #__mambots”
    . “n WHERE element = ‘jfdatabase.systembot'”
    . “n AND folder = ‘system'”
    $database->setQuery( $query );

    // save query to class variable
    $_MAMBOTS->_system_mambot_params[‘jfSystembot’] = $mambot;

    // pull query data from class variable
    $mambot = $_MAMBOTS->_system_mambot_params[‘jfSystembot’];

    $botParams = new mosParameters( $mambot->params );
    $determitLanguage = $botParams->def( ‘determitLanguage’, 1 );
    $newVisitorAction = $botParams->def( ‘newVisitorAction’, “browser” );

    // if the language determination isn’t enabled – skip this event
    if( !$determitLanguage ) {
    $GLOBALS[‘iso_client_lang’] = $GLOBALS[‘mosConfig_locale’];

    $mbfcookie = mosGetParam( $_COOKIE, ‘mbfcookie’, null );
    if (isset($mbfcookie[“lang”]) && $mbfcookie[“lang”] != “”) {
    $client_lang = $mbfcookie[“lang”];
    } else {
    $client_lang = ”;

    // lang from URI should always overrule everything!
    $lang = mosGetParam( $_GET, ‘lang’, ” );
    if( $lang != ” ) {
    $client_lang = $lang;

    // if we have no language from cookie or query lang value then resort to joomfish settings
    if ($client_lang==”){
    if ($newVisitorAction==”browser” && $_SERVER[“HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE”] != “” ) {
    // no language chooses – assume from browser configuration
    // language negotiation by Kochin Chang, June 16, 2004
    // retrieve active languages from database
    $active_lang = null;
    $activeLanguages = JoomFishManager::getActiveLanguages();
    if( count( $activeLanguages ) == 0 ) {
    return $mosConfig_lang;

    foreach ($activeLanguages as $lang) {
    $active_lang[] = $lang->iso;

    // figure out which language to use
    $browserLang = explode(‘,’, $_SERVER[“HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE”]);

    foreach( $browserLang as $lang ) {
    $shortLang = substr( $lang, 0, 2 );

    if( in_array($lang, $active_lang) ) {
    $client_lang = $lang;

    if ( in_array($shortLang, $active_lang) ) {
    $client_lang = $shortLang;
    // if language is still blank then use first active language!
    if ($client_lang==””){
    $client_lang = $activeLanguages[0]->iso;
    elseif ($newVisitorAction==”joomfish”){
    // This list is ordered already!
    $activeLanguages = JoomFishManager::getActiveLanguages();
    if( count( $activeLanguages ) == 0 ) {
    return $mosConfig_lang;
    else {
    $client_lang = $activeLanguages[0]->iso;

    // otherwise default use site default language
    else {
    $activeLanguages = JoomFishManager::getActiveLanguages();
    if( count( $activeLanguages ) == 0 ) {
    return $mosConfig_lang;
    foreach ($activeLanguages as $lang) {
    if ($lang->code==$mosConfig_lang){
    $client_lang = $lang->iso;
    // if language is still blank then use first active language!
    if ($client_lang==””){
    $client_lang = $activeLanguages[0]->iso;


    // get the name of the language file for joomla
    $mbfLang = new jfLanguage($database);
    $mbfLang->loadByISO( $client_lang );

    if( isset($mbfLang) && $mbfLang->code != “” & $mbfLang->active) {
    $mosConfig_lang = $mbfLang->code;
    } else {
    $mbfLang->loadByJoomla( $mosConfig_lang );
    $client_lang = $mbfLang->iso;

    // set locale for this ISO code
    setlocale(LC_ALL, $client_lang);

    setcookie( “lang”, “”, time() – 1800, “/” );
    setcookie( “mbfcookie”, “”, time() – 1800, “/” );
    setcookie( “mbfcookie[lang]”, $client_lang, time()+24*3600, ‘/’ );
    $GLOBALS[‘iso_client_lang’] = $client_lang;

    /** This function initialize the Joom!Fish manager in order to have
    * easy access and prepare certain information.
    function botJFInitialize ( ) {
    $GLOBALS[ ‘_JOOMFISH_MANAGER’] = new JoomFishManager();


    ———— ———— ————–

    I tried last night to upload the original file (from joomfish package) to my site hoping that it will give a solution. But this problem is still remaining there.

    Thank you very much MiCCAS and I am looking forward to your help.



    yohanes Friend

    Dear MiCCAS,

    I just took a look at Template Installation. There are just two templates remaining. Another templates I had installed gone including my favorit one: ja_regulus_ex. There I found some warnings as follow:

    ——– ——– ———-
    Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 32281 is not allowed to access /home/misafao/public_html/prova09/templates/ja_regulus/templateDetails.xml owned by uid 99 in /home/misafao/public_html/prova09/includes/domit/xml_domit_lite_parser.php on line 1079

    Warning: file_get_contents(/home/misafao/public_html/prova09/templates/ja_regulus/templateDetails.xml) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: Success in /home/misafao/public_html/prova09/includes/domit/xml_domit_lite_parser.php on line 1079
    ——– ——– ——–

    Ther are another warnings concerning to another templates (free ones). May the first problem (mambots/system/jfdatabase.systembot.php) is conected with Template Installation. Since I am running a test site, I try some (free and commercial) templates. They were working well before I realized yesterday that there is a serious problem with template installation including with commercial one. I have the same problem in my main site (not just with the test one).



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