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  • thehead Friend

    Hi there,

    Firstly, sorry if a lot of this is striaghtforward stuff I’ve just missed. I’m something of a novice at this sort of stuff.:-[

    Ok, I’ve installed Teline II onto my site (, and I’m encountering some problems, particularly with images. The main problem is that as my site is already live, I’m working on the template through the back end while keeping the front end as the old one (I have the template chooser set to my access rights). I’ll upload a few screenshots tonight to try and help my explanation, but if you need me to set the template live to help, I’ll see what I can do. I haven’t switched over yet thanks to these issues I’m having.

    Firstly, whenever I set the JA News module to auto resize images on the front page (and section menus), I end up getting a bunch of errors along the lines of “Warning: getimagesize([[file]]) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/patronis/public_html/modules/ja_news/helper.php on line 68, where [[file]] is the location of a certain image. All my front page images are set to 150 px across, while the resize is set to 120×100. Is it the difference in heights of the images (i.e. all are 150px across, but some are different heights) that is causing the issue?

    Secondly, on the section menus from the top “magazine” menu, the images in section menus aren’t displaying properly right justified, as they are set up to. It’s like there’s an indent between the image and the right side of the main column. The mosimage mambot is set up to give a margin of 5px, but none of the front page images contain captions.

    Again, I’ll try and get screenshots uploaded tonight to illustrate my problems, but any help you could grant me from these (rather poor) descriptions would be greatly appreciated! 🙂

    Edit: To add, I’m using Joomla version 1.0.12

    mj1256 Friend

    I gonna give it to you straight

    you HAVE to upgrade to at least 1.0.15, you version is too obsolete, many programs will not run unless you are at least 1.0.13, and 1.0.15 is more secure

    as a matter of fact, telene will have problems unless you upgrade your joomla install, its not hard unless you changed core joomla files.

    YOu should try your upgrades and new template install on a development site, never on a live site.

    Do you have backups of your site prior to the new template install

    I recommend joomla pack for the backups and for creating a dev site

    As for your images and menu issues, i wouldn’t even try to debug them until you have upgraded your joomla installation

    thehead Friend

    Yeah, I was sort of thinking that might be an issue. :-[

    The site itself seems alright on the current template. Hopefully I haven’t broke it too much. :((

    Will upgrade as suggested and see how things look then. Thanks for the prompt help. 😉

    thehead Friend

    Ok, bit of a bump. I upgraded to 1.0.15 but the issues were still there. But I’m thinking of leaving the current site as it is and moving to a new domain with this new template.

    So before I install Joomla on the new site, I thought I’d check to see if it matters if I go for 1.0.15 or use the latest version of 1.5. Does Teline II work better on either?

    Thank you.

    cjmicro Friend

    I would use 1.5.8 which was the most recent unless I missed one… 🙂 They won’t be supporting the 1.0 and I like 1.5 better anyway, now that more of the bugs are worked out. I also think they work out well with the 1.5 joomlart templates. I have used a few and had no issues, and the support here is good.

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