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  • Hung Dinh Friend

    Purity III, as well as all Purity series, is free. We may have lost attentions to our commercial Club templates. The more people use the template, the less sales we will be generating into our Club. But we decided that is a good thing for the Joomla community, for Joomla!, and especially Joomla 3.x with following 2 simple reasons:

    1. The default templates of Joomla core are very limited.
    2. I have been searching around, there is no real good free Joomla 3.x template, although the stable version of Joomla 3 has been released for almost 1/2 year now.
    3. It seems every Joomla templates makers are no longer thinking of making good and free template for the community 🙁

    In exchange for our endless effort of this thrilling project, I wish you can give us a thumb up on this project by one (or all) of the following:

    • Become a Club member,
    • Sharing your feedback, review on this forum or on the social network Twitter/FB
    • Raise the compatibility request support to other extensions developers by following the guide here.

    And most of all…

      Share your experience with Purity, how you have successfully used Purity for your Joomla projects
      Provide some tips, extended layouts, customization that you think can be useful to others
    swissa Friend

    Purity – Bit of a rod for your own back! Great template especially as it is free. Nice to see someone giving back to the community at large and one of the reason I support JA (newly resubscribed).

    I can only speak for myself and offer my views but over the two years I have been here, I’ve seen a number of changes – some for the better and some for the worse. When I joined there were 7’500 active members, it sits today at 4’540. If you want to get more people involved why not offer base memberships to non-members or upgrades to members who post back overrides, compatibility fixes, new templates for components etc.

    You’ve obviously invested many man hours into T3, I hope that support and external joomla help is coming in on that. Same goes for Purity III. And you are right that there is a perception from the membership that somehow they are being hard done by with you offering quality free templates when they pay. They would be right to some degree.

    When I first joined, my virgin template was Tiris. Hard work to do it as a newbie and I trashed 3 before I learnt about akeeba and some of the joomla ways. Back then, JA offered a lot of compatibility with components (so I understand your desire for component makers to get involved) along with extra, free modules that seem to be lacking these days. That could be just my perception. (I know you just released 3)

    One thing that has to my mind let down JA over the two years (despite being asked frequently) is a couple of very simple things.-

    1. Layout map. I know I can add ?tp=1. But nothing beats seeing the layout of a site as an image. I struggle to see why it is so hard to do?! Yootheme do it for every template, so do rockettheme (not a member there).

    It makes life easier and would surely cut down on your support time.

    2. Typography. How often do I see forum questions asking about suffixes? Per day!! Please, please include these every time – again look at youtheme.

    A quick right click in Chrome/Firefox on this single page gives me all the suffixes. How much time would that save on the forums?! People would soon learn how this works and I bet would be mega grateful. And mega happy to have these at their fingertips.

    Just those two things implemented would cut support time down by a marked amount – ESPECIALLY for the free templates like Purity III and T3 Blank. Time that could be spent giving the membership those little ‘treats’ that attracted me personally – and probably others – to JA in the first place. That will keep them coming back and bringing new members with them. (Really, think Zoo, think Widgetkit.)

    Oh and please make a dedicated ‘language switcher’ position. Or use toolbar-l and toolbar-r like yootheme.

    Silly things I know. But they would save people like me an amazing amount of time. Do I pick off a yootheme for my client and have all of this or do I struggle through with JA having to implement that all myself? For me, now, it doesn’t matter – to some degree I know what I’m doing (don’t laugh at the back). For new starters or people you are looking to attract as members? Which route would you take as a beginner?

    Anyway my 2 rappen worth. I’m still a member, I still use your templates, bought a new dev membership plus help out on the forum when I can. You guys do a very good job. Give yourselves the time to continue to do so please. You don’t have to be all things to all men – just be the best you can be for your (paying) members.

    Thanks for reading.

    1. layouts
    2. typo
    Kevin Collins Friend

    This template can’t even do the simplest thing like show a component from a menu. Works in Prostar but nothing shows in Purity. Huge waste of time.

    s3nko Friend

    i’am stuck >:( with changing fonts in ”Ja Purity iii”. Please add these characters (Đ,Č and Ć) to ‘awsome’ font.
    Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Macedonia will appreciate that. :cool::cool::cool:

    gt35m Friend

    <em>@swissa 411736 wrote:</em><blockquote>1. Layout map. I know I can add ?tp=1. But nothing beats seeing the layout of a site as an image. I struggle to see why it is so hard to do?! Yootheme do it for every template, so do rockettheme (not a member there). It makes life easier and would surely cut down on your support time.

    2. Typography. How often do I see forum questions asking about suffixes? Per day!! Please, please include these every time – again look at youtheme.

    I have to agree with @swissa on these two points. For me who is new to T3 and Purity III, basic documentation like this lets it down. After finding out there are no suffixes included (if there are I can’t find them) I spent two days struggling to write my own because I’ve never done before. I would have gone else where, but the template shows great promise.

    Also, consider having a page showing the code for Support, Meet the Team and Pricing Tables, bit like you have now for other customisations, this would cut down support requests as well.

    I persevered, and thanks to Firebug and JA Support (@Leo) I’ve now managed to create my own set of suffixes, nothing special but they work for me. One thing I’d like to see is a way of creating new module positions via the template manager, this would be very handy and no need to edit code.

    Another thing I’d like to see is maybe a toggle switch or an easier way to remove the ‘bootstrap’ and ‘font awesome’ message in the footer, again, you have to search the forum and edit code to remove it.

    Talking of updates, I updated from Preview to Stable and my Custom CSS file was overwritten, not a problem because I had it backed up, but something you may need to make people aware of or prevent it from being overwritten.

    Well, that’s my 5 cents worth. I’m watching JA carefully and see how things go (been stung a few times by other template ‘clubs’) as to whether I become a full member !!

    Thank you for giving us this free template, and keep up the good work guys….. 😀

    rvillela Friend

    Previously an Extensions member, but have been so impressed with Purity III, that I have become a template member.
    This is an incredible Template and the support has been wonderful!

    pdca Friend

    I agree especially to swissa ‘s request for a dedicated languageswitcher position.
    In the blank t3 Template it is there but whatever I try I can’t make it work in the purity III template as the header is totally different. For now I have assigned it in the OFF canvas position…
    Other than that: Purity III for me is far the best and most complete template as it provides so much flexibility.
    And although I am a continuous club member with another Template provider since many years, Purity III is my choice, because the design is minimalistic and there is no need for endless style adjustments…
    I have tried 2 other frameworks aside T3. And here T3 has a disadvantage: those 2 others offer a much better and more simple way to add or duplicate blocks and to add module positions within the admin layout configuration settings. There is no or moderate necessity to manually modify files in the backend to include positions for a custom layout… Typically you can configure the layout by adding any once defined block or position to any layout. You would only need to modify the css files to ensure the correct styling for a certain position. Also this can be done with a moderate effort.
    In the case where I would like to use the navhelper position for the corporate layout, I had to manually modify 2 files from the backend to include the position, because it was originally assigend to the magazine layout….
    Also: for me the T3 framwork should have much more module position options for the header area… I noticed that this is a disadvantage on all frameworks I used until now.

    bwakad Friend

    As I have installed hundreds of templates in the last year, I must say – even for a free template – this one is the cake! Really outstanding work. I always like Joomlart templates because they give peace to the eye. Furthermore I like the framework because other frameworks make your processor spin like a windmill.

    I have to agree that it would be nice to have a list of suffixes. Especially on modules and typography.
    As an example, when displaying a table in an article it would be nice to know if we have to adopt the bootstrap or template css/suffix.

    yanakiev Friend

    For free project this is great. Love you all
    Best Joomla template i ever used

    johnnys Friend

    <em>@yanakiev 412908 wrote:</em><blockquote>For free project this is great. Love you all
    Best Joomla template i ever used</blockquote>

    I agree. Excellent free product that allows for customisation.

    aprendizzz2009 Friend

    Wow! It’s not just a great job, but a demonstration of quality and generosity… thank you! For me, that I’m just learning, it’s a great opportunity to adventure… Gracias! 🙂

    gt35m Friend


    Not sure if this is the right place to post this, so feel free to move it if required.

    I’ve upgraded our site to J3 and Purity III, and I think it looks really professional. Have a look, and see what you think. If anyone has questions about the layout, components etc. please email us: or follow us on Facebook and Twitter – just search for emoticonIT and we’ll try our very best to help.

    Thank you for a great template…. 🙂

    Kind regards


    swissa Friend

    <em>@gt35m 422055 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this, so feel free to move it if required.

    I’ve upgraded our site to J3 and Purity III, and I think it looks really professional. Have a look, and see what you think. If anyone has questions about the layout, components etc. please email us: or follow us on Facebook and Twitter – just search for emoticonIT and we’ll try our very best to help.

    Thank you for a great template…. 🙂

    Kind regards


    Hi Steve,

    I’m sorry if I’m going to rain on your parade :-[ but for me, it takes a long time to load – just on homepage. You seem to have a few probs there but I love the colour scheme.

    I agree with you that Purity III is a great template. Personally I think the best since Wall and Lens. Well done.


    1. homepage
    2. console
    gt35m Friend

    <em>@swissa 422085 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Steve,

    I’m sorry if I’m going to rain on your parade :-[ but for me, it takes a long time to load – just on homepage. You seem to have a few probs there but I love the colour scheme.

    I agree with you that Purity III is a great template. Personally I think the best since Wall and Lens. Well done.


    Hello Gruss,

    Thank you for your time in checking out our website, and for reporting the problems! 🙂

    Firstly, I forgot to activate the CDN, and doing some speed tests, found the images on the homepage especially, to be rather large. After some tweaking, etc. I have now managed to get the page load time down to 3.2 seconds, and a Page Speed rating of 96% (A) and a YSlow rating of 88% (B) so some work still to do.

    It seems the slideshow was slowing things down, but I’ve optimised them and it’s quicker. I’m going to do some more experimenting and may even drop it completely! 😉

    Thanks again Gruss, it’s very much appreciated! 😀

    selbywinkler Friend

    I became a Club Member last week because of Purity III. My site has used Purity II for years and I want to upgrade to III. It is complicated for me, so I am hoping the Forums will help me.

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This topic contains 29 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  Hung Dinh 7 years, 10 months ago.

We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum