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  • humusjey Friend

    I just created my own theme and in the “Blocks” folder (of my theme, of course) I’ve created 4 files:

    1. top.php
    2. logo.php
    3. mainnav.php
    4. header.php

    2 of them (mainnav, header) are for overrides and the other 2 (top, logo) are new.

    Now… this is what I have in top.php

    <?php $this->genBlockBegin ($block) ?>

    <?php if( $this->countModules(‘top’) ) : ?>
    <div id=”ja-top” class=”clearfix”>
    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”top” style=”raw” />
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php $this->genBlockEnd ($block) ?>

    The same code for open blocks(begin) and close them(end) are in the other 3 php files (logo, mainnav, header) -obviously, each one have different code to display their own functions. Anyway, when I reload the page the positions are still in the same place that in “default” layout.
    Note: I already choose my theme as a default from the profiles options and I already add the new blocks and change the positions in my xml layout just like this:

    <blocks name="top" style="xhtml">
    <block name="absolute" type="modules" style="raw">absolute</block>
    <block name="top" type="top" style="raw">top</block> ---TOP
    <block name="logo" type="logo" style="raw">top</block> ---LOGO
    <block name="mainnav" type="mainnav" style="raw"></block> ---MAINNAV
    <block name="header" type="header" style="raw"></block> ---HEADER
    <block name="cpanel" type="usertools/cpanel"></block>
    <block name="topsl" type="spotlight">user1,user2,user3,user4,user5</block>

    The Question Is: Why the theme still keep the default position if I already changed the positions?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I just checked your code is right. May be you do something below:

    Enable Development Mode: No (by the way: Template->Golbal Tab -> System Settings tab)

    and click JAT3 Clean Cache

    Hope help your fix it.

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