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  • jtester Friend


    How do i make k2 intro text limit show like yours:

    sorry poor english

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    Sherlock Friend

    Hi jtester,

    Please explain more details 🙂 Is the introtext in blog layout or item view layout ?

    jtester Friend

    In front page, i hope intro text show like:

    when i click into the content,i hope it show full like:

    I try to configure it in k2 ,it works in frontpage,but the content also be cut:((

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    arucardx Friend

    Just go to K2 parameters, it’s a icon on the far right side the click on the “Advanced” tab and set “Use one editor window for introtext & fulltext” from Yes to No.

    Now go back to edit your article. You will see that all you have no content for full text, so copy your contents over. Then you need to modify your category or item settings to hide intro text on item view and show full text on item view.

    jtester Friend

    OK…now i know the logic….

    thx a lot:laugh:

    It,s work but not the perfect solution….

    is any way like wordpress…?

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi jtester,

    Why do you think it’s not perfect solution ? what’s the wordpress way ?

    jtester Friend

    In wordpress
    just use one editor window
    and in some theme or mdule
    will automatic get the intro text and the first pic(by very easy way)
    and it,s simple/Intuitive Thinking

    arucardx Friend

    In someways yes and somewhere no… well the code in Joomla could be modified to grab text from full text and trim it to use say X amount of char for intro text. Then it will work similar with wordpress. It’s not hard… I think… only took a quick look at the code but there’s probably a need to make some other little modifications here and there.

    But think of Joomla as more advanced. For people might prefer to have a different text context for intro text & full text. For example, I use tabs for my full text context and that caused problem for me when attempting to pull the text for meta description. But since Joomla has full text and intro text seperated, I can modify some code to pull meta description from intro text instead =)

    Pros and cons, just think of it as Joomla for advanced users. WordPress for ease of use.

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  arucardx 12 years, 3 months ago.

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