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  • the world Friend

    T3FW2 it seems more functions previously T3WF (Ja Purity 2)
    But the T3FW2 template (Blank Ja) is looking very bad, worse JA Purity 2, because it seems too simple, only full color, and monochrome, not many pictures!
    How I custom this template?:-[

    I have install joomla 1.6 beta 5 for t3fw2 in localhost, but it does not compatible, when I set the main pluin ( for JA blank work), the back-end of joomla 1.6 is … null!
    This page is a white, clear, and the backend can not access!
    Are this tempalte is not compatible with joomla 1.6?:confused:

    Ps: i use google to translate!
    Đang dùng google để dịch

    Khanh Le Moderator

    We have not released T3v2 framework for Joomla 1.6. At this time, Joomla 1.6 is in beta version, and not suitable for pruduction sites. The plugin & template you download is for Joomla 1.5 only.

    The JA T3 blank template is developed with purpose to demonstrate our T3v3 framework. It also is the kickstart for you to customize/deverlop your own template/theme. That’s why we call it “blank”.

    the world Friend

    Thank you, this template can for deverloper ^^ only and can not for newbie *_^

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