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  • bvk1987 Friend

    Hey guys,

    A few things need to be fixed before I can launch a website. Hope you can help me out! For each of the problems, I added a screenshot to clarify the problem.

    1. The buttons in the modules on position-1, position-2 and position 3 are not readable when I hover over them with my mouse. The text should light up in blue. Currently it is white, just like the background.

    2. I wish to change the icons in the modules on position-1, position-2 and position 3. This can be done by changing it in template.css (line 2156 and 2159) but apparently the modules of position-1 and position 3 are connected. They get the same icon when I change one of them.

    Changing the Module Class Suffix directly in one of the modules results in a blank blue, green or black box.

    3. The Google Maps plugin which is activated in some pages reveales a white block at the bottom. This should not be the case right?

    4. Lastly, I would like to replace “department” and “social info” with something else (in Dutch) on the employee pages (doctor page in demo).

    Thank you in advance for the help.


    1. 1.-buttons
    2. 2.-icons
    3. 3.-map
    4. 4.-social-information
    Eragon H Friend

    Hi bvk1987,

    1. Add this code to the root/templates/ja_medicare/css/custom.css (create a new one if unavailable)

    .btn.btn-border.mod-articles-category-title:hover {
    color: #3498db

    You can change the color value to the one you want

    2. The icons of modules of position-1 and position 3 are connected because you use the same Module Class Suffix for these two modules (box-background-secondary box-icon box-icon-heart). You can change the Module Class Suffix of module in position 3 to another (i.e: box-background-primary box-icon box-icon-note). Then you can change in css files.
    I would like to recommend you to use the file custom.css to modify your style thank to its advantages. You can refer this document for more information: http://t3-framework.org/documentation/bs3-customization#custom-css

    3.It seems that you was using the editor when configured the module Map. The editor automatically added the tag <p> </p>, so it create that white block. You can disable the editor then remove that tag,

    4. Extenstions >> Language >> Overrides >> New
    Language constant (TPL_DEPARTMENT for department, and TPL_SOCIAL_INFO for social infor)
    Text: Set anything you want.

    P/S: Its nice if you can put the directly URL to the page that you mentioned, so I can detect the concern easier

    Best regards,

    chavan Friend

    1. Go to this File: /templates/ja_medicare/css/template.css

    Replace this code

    .btn-border:hover, .btn-border:focus { background: #ffffff; color: #3498db; border-color: #ffffff; }


    .btn-border:hover, .btn-border:focus { background: #ffffff; color: #3498db !important; border-color: #ffffff; }

    2. Are you going to add new icon image here or FontAwesome icon, Please suggest. so i could provide you a right solution.

    3. There is <p></p> left unremoved in the custom HTML module where you add the Maps

    4. Can you please provide your admin details via private message, I will show you where to change.

    bvk1987 Friend

    Thank you for the support!

    1. Solved!
    2. Icons from FontAwesome (icon fa-laptop, icon fa-cloud and fa-male) I would like to use.
    3. I checked the articles under which the maps module is located and all of them have no <p></p> on the bottom.
    4. Solved!

    edit: @ Chavan: PM!

    chavan Friend

    2. Go to this File: /templates/ja_medicare/css/template.css

    Replace this code

    .t3-module.box-icon-note:before { content: "f0f8"; } .t3-module.box-icon-clock:before { content: "f017"; } .t3-module.box-icon-heart:before { content: "f004"; }


    .t3-module.box-icon-clock:before { content: "f109"; } .t3-module.box-icon-heart:before { content: "f0c2"; }
    .t3-module.box-icon-note:before { content: "f183"; }

    3. Fixed, the editor had <p></p> and I have replaced it with <div></div>

    bvk1987 Friend

    1. Solved!
    2. Solved!
    3. Solved!
    4. Solved!

    Awesome, thanks!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bvk1987 10 years, 3 months ago.

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