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  • tcheema1 Friend

    Hi, Thanks for any help with the following problems in the area above the main menu I have several issues that include the “top” user area and beyond.

    1. In internet explorer, top user area stretches all the way across the screen. I need it to be just wide enough for the little menu. It behaves properly in Firefox and Chrome.

    2. I need some more user areas up there, so I can add another little menu and put the search up there too like on http://www.oxfam.org/

    3. My menu is just a normal mod_mainmenu module. for spacer, I added ‘space space | space space’. Is there any fancier way to add a spacer? Like could I add an image?

    Does _hilite work here? and if not how do I change the background color of the menu?

    4. For the entire header, I want to separate it from the whitespace beyond the actual user areas. So I would like to add a border and a very soft background image that repeats on x up at the top similar to how it is at the bottom of the main body section.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance.

    tcheema1 Friend

    If a url to my site is needed, i will have to send it as a private message or to email. I tried to reply to the email sent to me, but it was rejected by the server.

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  tcheema1 16 years, 2 months ago.

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