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  • pleban78 Friend

    Hi I want to use ACM Module from JASmallBiz to my onepage I copy a folders images, advanced code to acm – and it`s not work

    the acm module dont look good because I thin it is not work in full width (one photo is place on the second) the same problem Ive got with gallery module – in the demos there are four columns in my onepage there is only two.

    Could You tell me where is a problem – what should I do?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by  pleban78.
    Saguaros Moderator


    May I know which ACM module type in JA SmallBiz template you want to put into your site? Kindly share the credentials of your site also.

    pleban78 Friend

    Hi thanks for Your reply
    I want to use acm module like i pic1.png but it look like pic2.png and the gallery look like pic4.png
    Yesterday I shuold unpublish it because I should make an presentation of this site and I shoul hide it
    Today evening I`ll shoul hide them again

    my website is – plebankiewic.com.pl/layconic

    thanks a lot

    1. pic1
    2. pic2
    3. pic4
    Saguaros Moderator


    You can try this way:
    1) Copy the JA ACM module – Feature intro: Style-1 from JA Smallbiz to JA Onepage template: root/templates/ja_smallbiz/acm/features-intro

    2) Edit the file: root/templates/ja_onepage/acm/features-intro/tmpl/style-1.php

    Line 35:

    <div id="acm-features-<?php echo $module->id ;?>" class="acm-features style-1 clearfix <?php echo $helper->get(‘features-style’); ?> <?php if($helper->get(‘effect’)) echo ‘has-effect’ ;?>" <?php if($featuresImg): echo ‘style="’.$featuresBackground.’"’; endif; ?>>

    change it to:

    <div id="acm-features-<?php echo $module->id ;?>" class="acm-features style-1 clearfix  has-effect" <?php if($featuresImg): echo ‘style="’.$featuresBackground.’"’; endif; ?>>

    3) Copy this JS file from JA Smallbiz: root/templates/ja_smallbiz/js/inview.js

    To js folder of JA One page: root/templates/ja_onepage/js

    4) Open this file: root/templates/ja_onepage/etc/assets.xml , load the JS file you just copied from JA Smallbiz template: http://prntscr.com/huzxdn

    Then clear all caches.

    Hope this helps.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Saguaros 7 years, 1 month ago.

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