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  • G T Friend

    I wanted a different style for Features intro (Style 3). I copied the same from Uber template ACM folder. I was able to get the stly, but when published, it seems distorted

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Can u provide the description of the issue with URL and screenshot what issue you are facing after using JA Uber ACM style files.
    It helps me to understand your issue.


    G T Friend
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    JA Company already comes with the ACM style of features intro, you have added the ACM file from Uber but it does not have the style code from Uber. You have to use firebug or inspect element from browser tool to copy the style class for ACM style and write it on JA Campany custom.css file.
    As the JA Company has its own style files you are not able to replace the css file directly from ACM feature intro folder.


    G T Friend

    I am very sorry, I am not a very technical person, but can manage if you tell me the steps. Where should I use firebug and copy which style

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    You can use firebug from the JA Uber site either demo site or the site you have on JA Uber and has feature intro module published.
    Example http://prntscr.com/frd7tf
    It will take time and needs some css helps to define the new code.
    Becuase template has its own style for the feature intro module that is different than the JA Uber.


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