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  • marvelous development Friend


    I was installing acymailing enterprise for my joomla. The component was successfully installed. However, there are no ‘acymailing’ in component tab (administrator) and there was something written in red when I installed it (refer to attached png). How can I access to acymailing if it is not appear in the component tab. Can someone help me? Thanks!

    1. acymailing
    pavit Moderator


    We need to verify your admin page to check what is really happening with your installation

    So please send me a PM with temp super user account and i will take a closer look to help you

    marvelous development Friend

    Hi Pavit,

    I refer to aymailing support documentation and they give a solution (refer acyba.png). I tried it already but it s not working. Hope you can help me.

    1. acyba
    pavit Moderator


    I checked your website and also your database that contains already all settings for a previous wrong installation

    I can suggest to do in this way ( as suggested on their documentation for this type of error )

    1) Login with Phpmyadmin on your Database and remove ( Drop ) all tables starting with xxx_acymailing
    2) Delete also all reference to acymailing in table xxx_extensions ( Component – Module – Plugin )
    3) Delete also all reference to acymailing in table xxx_menu
    4) Delete also all reference to acymailing in table xxx_assets

    Try again a new installation of the component

    Let me know

    marvelous development Friend


    I tried already. But it still didnt work. =( How about if I uninstall acymailing completely from my joomla, n installing again, do u think it would brings any other problem?

    pavit Moderator


    In their documentation they said to firstly uninstall the component

    Look here

    1. Install-Update-issues
    marvelous development Friend

    Yup, I uninstall the component first before deleting the table in phpmyadmin.. But only component, not uninstall the acymailing completely.

    pavit Moderator

    Please follow their instructions step by step

    Uninstall everything and after install again

    The only thing i can suggest after you uninstalled the component, is to check all DB tables if really it had deleted any reference to acymailing

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pavit 11 years, 7 months ago.

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