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  • etna34 Friend


    A very simple question: How can add a custom “xxxxxxx.less” file in T3 bs3 blank template?


    pavit Moderator


    You should add less file in this folder templatest3_bs3_blankless

    Best regards

    etna34 Friend

    Thanks but you can not do it just like that.

    I tried it this without success even if you compile less to css right after.
    I can create it in local/themes/mytheme, then import it – @import “my.less” – through the override template.less there.
    I was looking a more “official” way to do it.


    pavit Moderator

    Please take a look at the documentation HERE

    etna34 Friend

    Well the file is not compiling.
    I tried a million times.

    A worked solution I found is:
    1. to create a folder named: less/extras
    2. put inside your.less
    3. Compile less to css
    4. A your.css is created inside: local/css/extras/your.css
    5. Declare your.css inside etc/assets.xml

    I am wondering why it is not compiling a xxx.less in root less/ directory
    Are you 100% sure? I am working in a pure Joomla + T3 environment.


    germanrauhut Friend

    According to the code in the t3 plugin, it only compiles the files that are part of its own template and it ignores the files inside /t3_template/less/themes.

    So create any folder inside /t3_template/less/extra or /t3_template/less/myfiles put less files there.

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    You can try to follow the steps below

    • Create new less file from t3_template/less/extra follder

    • Open t3_template/less/template.less file and import new less file into this file with format
    @import "path-new-less-file"; 

    Hope it helps


    Mackelito Friend

    I have done just this but it´s not generating, also tried with developer mode on.

    path: "htdocs/templates/ja_teline_v/local/less/custom.less"
    I also tried to add a plain .css file but to luck. "htdocs/templates/ja_teline_v/local/css/custom.css"

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    @mackelito: With the CSS file, you can create templates/ja_teline_v/css/custom.css file and add the CSS style into it. If it could not help you out, you can provide me the URL here for further investigation

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