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  • Khanh Le Moderator

    T3v2 templates provide a main navigation (mainnav block type) which can be configured in the template manager, profiles tab. This tutorial will show you simple steps to load another built-in menu system.

    1. Download the attachment file and extract into folder: templates/[your template]/blocks. We have a new block type name “topmega”
    2. Open the file (topmega.php) and update your setting (Eg: change the menutype you want to show)
    3. In template manager, edit the current layout to show the new block:

    <blocks name=”top”>

    <block name=”topnav” type=”topmega”></block>



    1. topmega.zip
    Jarnacman Friend


    Thanks for your tutorial. I had a few problems which hopefully you can clear up for me. There is of course a topmega.php file already in the blocks file; and I cannot have two such files. Should I rename the newer version, and if so how does that impact further changes. Also as to your html code; could you advise what it should be if I want to be able to have a megamenu in the “right”position? Lastly, assuming I can add a second mega module, can I theoretically add 20? All the best.

    mamancho Friend

    <em>@khanh le 198785 wrote:</em><blockquote>T3v2 templates provide a main navigation (mainnav block type) which can be configured in the template manager, profiles tab. This tutorial will show you simple steps to load another built-in menu system.

    1. Download the attachment file and extract into folder: templates/[your template]/blocks. We have a new block type name “topmega”
    2. Open the file (topmega.php) and update your setting (Eg: change the menutype you want to show)
    3. In template manager, edit the current layout to show the new block:

    <blocks name=”top”>

    <block name=”topnav” type=”topmega”></block>



    I’ve made this second menu with your script, and averything works ok. thanks.
    But on one page it makes javascript errors this.menu.getElements is not a function.
    Why it is? I have mootools 1.2.4 but on this page with error I also have jquery. May it be because of this?

    I’m making site on local so couldnot provide a link.
    thanks in advance.

    mamancho Friend

    And also dropdown menu on this page with jquery do not work.

    Khanh Le Moderator

    @mamancho: please provide your site information so I could have a check.

    @jarnacman: As I understand, you want 2 more megamenu. If yes, just copy the megatop block to another name, then create a new block in layout xml with new name & type. You also remember to change the menutype in the new block.

    mamancho Friend

    <em>@khanh le 210374 wrote:</em><blockquote>@mamancho: please provide your site information so I could have a check.

    My site is on local server so I cannot provide link right now.
    I made my own template on latest T3 framework. I am using k2 and I have joomla bamboo’s module CaptifyContent on one of my pages. This module CaptifyContent needs joomlabamboo’s jquery plugin which adds jquery and some other scripts to your joomla. I do not need jquery on my site except this one page so I unpublished the plugin and add jquery like this to this single page I need to
    <?php $items = array(89) ; // 53, 54 is the value of the ItemId ?>
    <?php if ( in_array((int)JRequest::getVar(‘Itemid’),$items) ) :
    JHTML::script(‘jquery-1.4.4.min.js’, ‘templates/portfolio_manch/js/’, true); // MooTools will load if it is not already loaded
    <?php endif;?>
    I cannot uninstall the mantioned joomlabmboo plugin because module sems to need some files from it.
    I have second megamenu on this page too, but it’s dropdowns on this page do not show at all. Dropdowns work well on other pages. But I noticed now that first megamenu’s dropdowns don’t work on this page either.
    Is it becouse of jquery conlict?
    What I am makink wrong?

    Khanh Le Moderator

    Sometime we get conflict between JS frameworks. For jquery, you could try to call jQuery.noConflict() to avoid conflict with other JS Frameworks. For deeper checking, I need touch your site to figure what the problem.

    mamancho Friend

    Thank you for your help.
    I’ve manage to upload my site to a hosting. it is on http://magicsite.megabyet.net . The problem i mentioned is on portfolio page where menu dropdown for flash entry is not working.
    I’m not very good in javascript. So, I don’t know how and where to call jQuery.noConflict().

    peter_p Friend

    <em>@khanh le 198785 wrote:</em><blockquote>1. Download the attachment file and extract into folder: templates/[your template]/blocks. We have a new block type name “topmega”
    2. Open the file (topmega.php) and update your setting (Eg: change the menutype you want to show)
    3. In template manager, edit the current layout to show the new block:</blockquote>

    Thx U khanh le !! :-*

    Your method works very well on the T3 blank JA_Purity ii !
    you’ll make people happy ! 😉

    bobbyggx Friend

    I managed to put the second mega-menu, but how how can I set it up to a position. Is there a way to make it like module which can be assigned to specific components to show up?

    Khanh Le Moderator

    You can use T3v2 feature “Profile Override Settings” to handle which pages/components this menu shown. This tips only apply for templates using T3v2 Framework:

    1. Go to template manager, click to open the template.
    2. Goto Layouts tab, clone Default layout to a new one.
    3. Edit the new layout to add topmega block (created as above). Then save the layout.
    4. Goto Profiles tab, create a new profile, then scroll down to “Layout settings” (at bottom), choose the new layout for this profile. Click Apply
    4. Goto Global tab, assign the new profile to pages/components you want to show the topmega menu.

    bobbyggx Friend

    I’ve got it! Thanks!

    An other question. Like I said, I managed get the menu on the top of the page, but is there a way to set it to position “right”, or left?

    Khanh Le Moderator

    You can do like this: instead of create a block to “Top” area, you can put the topmega block to a “Middle” area, eg:

    <blocks name=”middle”….>

    <block name=”left-mass-top” type=”topmega”></block>


    thuanlq Friend

    <em>@bobbyggx 214523 wrote:</em><blockquote>I managed to put the second mega-menu, but how how can I set it up to a position. Is there a way to make it like module which can be assigned to specific components to show up?</blockquote>
    Hi @bobbyggx,

    You can add module positions on the block as following:
    – iexample to add positions “user1,user2,custom-pos”, to block topnavigation, here is the code

    <blocks name="top">
    <block name="topnav" type="topmega">user1,user2,custom-pos</block>

    – Currently, you only add module positions and define block, can’t assigne to specific components as module position. However, you can assigne layout for specific menu item ( on T3 framework version 1.2 or higher ).

    bobbyggx Friend

    Tried that, but without the block name “left-mass-top”, that was my problem I guess. If I type right-mass-top it should go to the right.

    EDIT: Can the mega menu be Vertical?

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