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  • oilproduction Friend

    dears, I want to add the created date of each article at the JA-News (ultimas noticas) at the home
    Could you help me?

    thanks for your time

    Anonymous Moderator


    For the case, open templatesja_opalhtmlmod_janewsblog_item.php file, at about line 43, find following code:

    <h4 class="jazin-title"><a href="<?php echo $link;?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags($row->title);?>"><?php echo $row->title;?></a></h4>

    and change to:

    <h4 class="jazin-title"><a href="<?php echo $link;?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags($row->title);?>"><?php echo $row->title;?></a> - <?php echo JHTML::_('date', $row->created, '%a - %d <span class="month">%b</span>'); ?></h4>

    sushismb Friend


    Unfortunately, this didn’t work on mine.

    I’m using Teline with JA News 1.3.2.

    Hope you could help!

    himangi Friend

    Hi sushismb,

    Please upgrade your Ja News module to latest version 1.3.4 It has a param to show / hide Created Date for an news item.

    sushismb Friend

    Hello himangi,

    This is strange, the file says 1.3.4 but when I install and open the module, it says 1.3.2. And in fact, it does have a function to show/hide created date. SHOW is selected but it is not showing. Any other settings required?

    himangi Friend


    You are right, I had not seen the version displayed after installation. I will ask JA developers to correct this.

    Regarding the created date display, it does not require any other setting than the show / hide option. Please try clearing cache before checking the result. If is still does not work, please give your site url and joomla admin access at http://support.joomlart.com/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/73484. I will take a look at it on your site..

    sushismb Friend

    Hello himiangi,

    I figured why the date was not showing despite that I enabled it at the backend.

    I disabled the “intro item” but I have 5 “link items”.

    What I want is to show the date on all those link items.

    By the way, I posted a ticket so you can see the details of the site.

    Thank you!

    himangi Friend


    To show the date for links as well, please follow the steps below.

    – Go to modules/mod_janews/tmpl and copy blog_item.php
    – Now go to templates/your_template/html, create a new folder named mod_janews, if it is not already there.
    – Once the folder is created, paste the blog_item.php you have already copied from the module files.
    – Now open the blog_item.php and go to line no. 61 and copy following code
    <blockquote><?php if ($showdate) : ?>

    <span class=”createdate”><?php echo JHTML::_(‘date’, $row->created, JText::_(‘DATE_FORMAT_LC2’));?></span>

    <?php endif; ?>

    – Now go to line no 95 to find <blockquote><li>

    <a title=”<?php echo strip_tags($row->introtext); ?>” href=”<?php echo $link; ?>”>

    <?php echo $row->title; ?></a>
    </li> </blockquote>and add the code related to the date, you have copied earlier before </li>
    – Save the file and you will see the date appearing after article link as well.

    sushismb Friend

    himangi, you are a SUPERSTAR!

    No one here provided the solution but you!

    One last thing though, where do I change the date format? With the current format, its year/month/date/time. I just want the month/date there.

    Thanks so much!!!

    EDIT NOTE: I figured out how to change the format. Thanks again!

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