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  • antjewilson Friend

    Any chance of adding instagram to Social Details in the JoomlArt Advanced Custom Module?



    Adam M Moderator

    Hi Antje,

    Could you please clarify a little bit or provide an example so I can assist you better ?

    Richard A Friend

    Adam, I think antje means adding Instagram to the 5 social icons already included in the acm footer module.

    The module currently uses Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn but i agree Instagram would be a necessary addition as it is now extremely popular.

    To antje:

    The coding for the 5 styles of the acm footer module are at uber/acm/footer/css, less and tmpl and you could make an adjustment for instagram in whatever override file you are using for your template with reference to these folders.

    Adam could possibly help with the exact details of how to do it in this thread as I have not made the adjustment myself yet.

    jooservices Friend

    Hi there,
    In basic you can use Custom HTML Module with very basic HTML to setup these link / icon . It would much easier 🙂

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    Richard A Friend

    I understand social icons can be added anywhere with a custom html module and saw the other thread where adam asked the same question but i assume he is not interested in using a second module and wants to know how to amend the footer module, otherwise he would not have raised it again.

    How can the acm footer module be amended to change existing icons and/or include instagram?

    Adam M Moderator


    Thanks for the detail, please follow these steps below :

    1. Open file root_folder/templates/uber/acm/footer/tmpl/style-1.php and look for this code :

    <?php if($helper->get('linkedin')): ?>
    <a class="addthis_button_linkedin_follow" addthis:usertype="company" addthis:userid="<?php echo $helper->get('linkedin')?>"><i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i></a>
    <?php endif; ?>

    then update as below :

    <?php if($helper->get('linkedin')): ?>
    <a class="addthis_button_linkedin_follow" addthis:usertype="company" addthis:userid="<?php echo $helper->get('linkedin')?>"><i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i></a>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php if($helper->get('instagram')): ?>
    <a class="addthis_button_instagram_follow" addthis:usertype="company" addthis:userid="<?php echo $helper->get('instagram')?>"><i class="fa fa-instagram"></i></a>
    <?php endif; ?>

    2. Open file root_folder/templates/uber/acm/footer/config.xml and look for this code :

    <field name="linkedin" type="text" size="40" default="" label="LINKEDIN_LABEL" description="LINKEDIN_DESC"></field>

    then update as below :

    <field name="linkedin" type="text" size="40" default="" label="LINKEDIN_LABEL" description="LINKEDIN_DESC"></field>
    <field name="instagram" type="text" size="40" default="" label="INSTAGRAM_LABEL" description="INSTAGRAM_DESC"></field>

    3. Open file root_folder/language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_uber.ini and look for this code :

    LINKEDIN_DESC ="Add your LinkedIn name, no full url is required. For example: joomlart"

    update as below and you’re ready to go :

    LINKEDIN_DESC ="Add your LinkedIn name, no full url is required. For example: joomlart"
    INSTAGRAM_LABEL ="Instagram"
    INSTAGRAM_DESC ="Add your Instagram name, no full url is required. For example: joomlart"

    jhouston Friend

    Thanks for the custom code. Works well. My question however is when uber gets updated this customization would be lost. I did try your code by placing it in the appropriate folders under my local directory. root_folder/local/acm/footer/tpls/style-1. and similarly for the config.xml. I modified each of the 5 styles accordingly. Now for the language file one copy is in the root_folder/language, another copy in the root_folder/templates/language. So if one doesn’t want this customization overwritten how does one get this to work under the ‘local’ folder structure

    jhouston Friend

    Good idea as the example below forgot to include the need to amend the style.less file for the ‘hover’ effect over the icon. Also it should be added to the bar acm module as well.

    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @jhouston,

    My bad, I forgot that part. Could you please confirm your status ? If you still have any question or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to let me know.

    Richard A Friend

    <blockquote>So if one doesn’t want this customization overwritten how does one get this to work under the ‘local’ folder structure</blockquote>

    @ Adam

    jhouston would need example code to use to avoid changes being lost during a template update, I assume in the local folder (or wherever it should be placed)?

    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @dealthenuts,

    At the moment, there’s no local folder for JA ACM module but you can duplicate current style, for example clone this file root_folder/templates/uber/acm/footer/tmpl/style-1.php and give it a new name style-6.php so this file won’t be replaced whenever you update the template.

    samirbeg Friend

    This solution does not work, my root_folder/templates/uber/acm/footer/config.xml file has only this content.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    I modified other 2 files, I don’t see INSTAGRAM

    samirbeg Friend

    For step 2 above in Adam’s post, instead of modifying

    config.xml root_folder/templates/uber/acm/footer/config.xml

    modify style-1.xml root_folder/templates/uber/acm/footer/tmpl/style-1.xml

    samirbeg Friend

    I modified all 3 files, I see INSTAGRAM field however, whatever I enter for a link it does not work, it always links to my main domain name. I tried full URL of Instagram also tried only Instagram name, none works. Any ideas how to fix this issue?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Hi @samirbeg:

    You can rollback any changed above on your site and apply this way

    • Download and extract my attached files

    • Copy both files: style-1.xml and style-1.php to templates/uber/acm/footer/tmpl/ folder

    • Don’t forget to backup old files before doing changes

    Hope it helps


    1. Archive.zip
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