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  • cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@victortopper 60580 wrote:</em><blockquote>Really I thank you for your efforts. As I said to you for the moment I initially will modify the once successful template, I will call upon you for safety. but really I want to learn joomla to make my sites. From time to time I can be will see call to you
    I will send the bond of my site to you on your email

    still thank you


    Oh victor,

    When you stated safety, you meant my suggestion for Community Builder?


    questbg Friend

    <em>@cgc0202 60568 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi victortopper,
    There might just be a language barrier. Maybe Chris (questbg) can explain it better with you in French.

    OK, I will try my best, but my French is a bit rusty and my Joomla/Teline skills are very basic, here’s Cornelio’s explanation to get banner above news module:

    Voici les renseignements de Cornelio…

    Premierement, ‘LogIn’ comme ‘Admin’, suite, aller a “Module Manager”

    Trouver le module “banners”. Maintenant, faire une copie de ce module comme suite…
    Selectionnez le module “banners” comme ce-ci:

    Trouver “Copier” icône en haut à droite comme ce-ci

    Maintenant, vous aurez une copie du module “banners” sur la list, au dessous l’original nommé “Copy of Banners”

    Re-nommez “Copy of Banners” comme suite…
    Cliquez sur le nom “Copy of Banners” sur la list

    Renommez “Copy of Banners” comme vous voulez! Alors, comme la-mien “pub”!

    En suite, faites:

    Show Title – cliquez sur “Yes”
    Enabled – cliquez sur “Yes”
    Position – sélectionnez “ja-news”
    Access Level – sélectionnez “Public”
    ID – choisir un nombre. Attention: il est préférable si ce nombre n’est pas déjà dans la liste des “modules”.

    OK. Maintenant, cliquez sur “Save” icône en haut à droite comme ce-ci:

    Cela vous ramène à la liste “modules” encore.

    Cliquez sur le menu “- Select Position-” et sélectionnez “ja-news”

    À l’aide des flèches, changer l’ordre des modules de sorte que “pub” est en haut, “ja new front” est deuxieme est “ja news” est la troisieme:

    Et Voila!

    Maintenant, vérifier votre site.

    Vous devriez maintenant avoir une copie de la bannière en bas, en haut, au-dessus de l’actualité.

    Alors, bon chance!!


    Thanks Cornelio for your precise instructions and I hope this can help VictorHopper. I also followed this tutorial through live on my own site, and it worked for me! I changed the last bit a tiny bit (changing the order) as you can probably see from my images, but this worked far easier for me to only have the three modules in the list, so hopefully this will work easily for others!


    Not only that, it gave me more confidence to start copying modules and changing positions, a great exercise for me and I’m now making other changes to my template, fantastic!

    If only I had more like that to follow!

    Good luck VictorHopper, hope this helps and thanks again Cornelio.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@questbg 60710 wrote:</em><blockquote>OK, I will try my best, but my French is a bit rusty and my Joomla/Teline skills are very basic, here’s Cornelio’s explanation to get banner above news module:

    Voici les renseignements de Cornelio…

    Premierement, ‘LogIn’ comme ‘Admin’, suite, aller a “Module Manager”

    Trouver le module “banners”. Maintenant, faire une copie de ce module comme suite…
    Selectionnez le module “banners” comme ce-ci:

    Trouver “Copier” icône en haut à droite comme ce-ci

    Maintenant, vous aurez une copie du module “banners” sur la list, au dessous l’original nommé “Copy of Banners”

    Re-nommez “Copy of Banners” comme suite…
    Cliquez sur le nom “Copy of Banners” sur la list

    Renommez “Copy of Banners” comme vous voulez! Alors, comme la-mien “pub”!

    En suite, faites:

    Show Title – cliquez sur “Yes”
    Enabled – cliquez sur “Yes”
    Position – sélectionnez “ja-news”
    Access Level – sélectionnez “Public”
    ID – choisir un nombre. Attention: il est préférable si ce nombre n’est pas déjà dans la liste des “modules”.

    OK. Maintenant, cliquez sur “Save” icône en haut à droite comme ce-ci:

    Cela vous ramène à la liste “modules” encore.

    Cliquez sur le menu “- Select Position-” et sélectionnez “ja-news”

    À l’aide des flèches, changer l’ordre des modules de sorte que “pub” est en haut, “ja new front” est deuxieme est “ja news” est la troisieme:

    Et Voila!

    Maintenant, vérifier votre site.

    Vous devriez maintenant avoir une copie de la bannière en bas, en haut, au-dessus de l’actualité.

    Alors, bon chance!!


    Thanks Cornelio for your precise instructions and I hope this can help VictorHopper. I also followed this tutorial through live on my own site, and it worked for me! I changed the last bit a tiny bit (changing the order) as you can probably see from my images, but this worked far easier for me to only have the three modules in the list, so hopefully this will work easily for others!


    Not only that, it gave me more confidence to start copying modules and changing positions, a great exercise for me and I’m now making other changes to my template, fantastic!

    If only I had more like that to follow!

    Good luck VictorHopper, hope this helps and thanks again Cornelio.

    Well done Chris! And quite an elegant presentation.

    Tutorials like this are what I envision in the project I am trying to initiate in relation to what we were discussing in a number of threads.

    I find a “step by step” presentation like the example you provided to be more easy to understand than all those video tutorial that seem to be craze. Actually, there is room for both.

    In the “step by step” presentation, the “learner” can proceed at his/her own page. One other suggestion that I would make is that the steps are grouped (A, B, C, etc.) according to the sequential transition from one Window to another in the Administrator section. Then, for each step in each sequence to be number sequentially, e.g, C1, 2, 3… etc.

    Why is this sequential grouping and numbering critical?

    When readers one to make a clarification, then it would be easier for both the reader and the one who responds, if the specific item in a long instructions is identified clearly.

    Another very important additions: To provide the “route”. For example:

    Administrator => Extensions => Module Manager =>

    This route is especially needed by new users who might not be familiar with the terrain.

    Sometimes this route would be obvious, especially with the visual aids you provided. But when a page is very crowded, it becomes difficult for a new user to find what is being asked of him(her) to find or do.

    <em>@questbg 60710 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    If only I had more like that to follow!

    Good luck VictorHopper, hope this helps and thanks again Cornelio.

    This is one of the goals of the project I want to initiate. I have many ideas that I want to do, but it will require others to help implement them because it requires a lot of work.

    We can start something like this with the Joomlart templates that we are interested with, initially JA Teline II, but as I alluded to, in a number of my postings here in the forum — we do not have to limit ourselves in creating tutorials like this to templates, or Joomla, but more topics that every webmaster and webdesigners confront to create a good website.

    I have more ideas in mind, I think that would be helpful to all of us.

    Some of these are already found in the internet. So, we have to find them, find the gems and discard those that are useless, or improve upon those that seem promising.

    Some we have to create ourselves.

    Thus, if we band together and help each other — united by our desire to create good websites — then we can move this faster towards our individual goals.

    As part of this project, initially with respect to JA Teline II, I have started reviewing the SOLVED posting a few weeks ago, gathering the useful links that were truly answered


    cgc0202 Friend

    As apparent here, not everyone may understand English that well, and may prefer other languages, it would be good to have such tutorials in different languages.

    I tried the “Babelfish?” script translation through the internet quite a few times, and quite often there are just some nuances of each language that cannot easily be conveyed by the computerized (script) translation.


    questbg Friend

    Hi Cornelio

    Many thanks for your kind words, and I totally agree with your thoughts.

    If there was a 500 page tutorial for Teline II, with easy to follow steps as you indicated, complete with screen grabs (as my example above), then I’m sure this forum would be a much better place!!

    Less ‘basic’ questions about the initial install and basics, as these should be covered in a manual. The forum could then become more of a ‘think-tank’ on new ways of pushing the boundaries of the template and implementing new techonologies … rather than just trying to get the basics to work!!

    Let’s hope we can end up here with a final resource that addresses all the Teline bugs, and some ‘How To’ guides, Tutorials, customisation, etc. Me for one would be very happy with that!

    With regards the ‘auto’ translators (BabelFish, Google, etc.), they do a fairly reasonable job for basic ‘text’ but sometimes miss out on important nuances. I think if we do this, let’s get it right in English first and then we can decide how to start and translate for other users!


    Now, I’ll just be happy if VictorHopper tells us we’ve managed to fix his problem!!

    victortopper Friend

    Bonjour chris,

    Ce que vous me demandez je ne peux pas le réaliser. J’ai la version jommla 1.0.15 et je n’ai pas ces onglets là. Ces modifications ne conviennent il pas sur joomla 1.5.x.
    Je peux vous donnez l’url et le login pour verifier c’est un sousdomaine pour les tests pas dinquiétude.

    merci de votre aide

    cgc0202 Friend

    Hi Chris,

    <em>@questbg 60720 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Cornelio

    Many thanks for your kind words, and I totally agree with your thoughts.

    If there was a 500 page tutorial for Teline II, with easy to follow steps as you indicated, complete with screen grabs (as my example above), then I’m sure this forum would be a much better place!!

    This should be the desired goal, not just for Teline II but for any template. For example, the one we worked on here is not exclusive for JA Teline II, it would be the same tutorial for all Joomla 1.5x websites. A similar one should be prepared for Joomla 1.0x.

    It is a lot of work though to be done by a single person, even if working full time. Plus, someone who is working alone will not gain insight from the experience of others. So, it must be a group effort, joined together through a Forum. I doubt though that the Joomlart forum would be the best venue for this because what we need — as webmasters or designers — are many things, and the template issues, is but a very very small componet.

    <em>@questbg 60720 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Less ‘basic’ questions about the initial install and basics, as these should be covered in a manual. The forum could then become more of a ‘think-tank’ on new ways of pushing the boundaries of the template and implementing new techonologies … rather than just trying to get the basics to work!!

    Yes, indeed. I would be interested for example on how to create webpages so that they would eventually conform also with the growing mobile computing environment, as being pioneered in the iPhone, iPod touch, and similar devices. This is the direction in the evolution of internet access.

    I looked at my personal website using the old iPhone when I visited the Boston Apple Store, and I was quite surprise that you can actually read it, especially with the “squeeze” and other features to move the page and enlarge specific section.

    It would be far better though if the webpage detects that it is being viewed in one of the mobile devices, it would link automatically to its version that was meant for mobile devices. As a result, large internet content providers, like BBC, PBS, Facebook, etc. have created special scripts that will tailor their sites to mobile devices.

    I do not think Joomlart or Joomla has come to that realization yet. If they do not evolved, websites as we know it today, may go the way of the traditional print paper — not the medium of information gathering site for the current and future generations born in the promises (and pitfalls) of the internet.

    <em>@questbg 60720 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Let’s hope we can end up here with a final resource that addresses all the Teline bugs, and some ‘How To’ guides, Tutorials, customisation, etc. Me for one would be very happy with that!

    I have participated in quite a few forums whose scripts I use. In general, they were reluctant to accept member initiatives that do not conform to their established protocol — even if flawed. Also, there are quite more resources that we need to address beyond the issues involving the templates. I do not think Joomlart might want to encourage that here, even if related because if quite popular, internet bandwidth is very expensive, especially for deficated servers.

    <em>@questbg 60720 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    With regards the ‘auto’ translators (BabelFish, Google, etc.), they do a fairly reasonable job for basic ‘text’ but sometimes miss out on important nuances. I think if we do this, let’s get it right in English first and then we can decide how to start and translate for other users!


    Now, I’ll just be happy if VictorHopper tells us we’ve managed to fix his problem!!</blockquote>

    To get thing right from the start, there is a collaborativ format, as you may know already — called Wiki. The most famous of this is the Wikimedia (the software used to create Wikipedia). However, there is an inherent flaw in the Wikimedia that allows anyone to edit a page — the undesired effect is that there is no “author attribution”, so that you will you not have any idea whether to trust the article you read in Wikipedia (on the whole, they are quite good).

    But there are sensitive matters where the point of view, perspective or beliefs and principles of individuals come into play — like in politics, history, religion, moral issues, etc. This becomes the inherent flaw of Wikipedia — anyone can maliciously defacean article or reconfigure an article to conform with one’s perspective in a split second; and the readers may not always catch this tampering.

    There are more, why I am hesitant to use Wikimedia (but I am an avid user of Wikipedia myself). When I started creating “database website”, I gravitated to TikiWiki, which has most of the “key features” that I want that I found flawed in Wikimedia. However, it got more bulky and the unified CSS is a nightmare.

    I was forced last year therefore to move to Joomla — even if Joomla has very primitive permissions system, and not very secure as a CMS. If you do not take precautions, you might wake up one morning to find your site vandalized. This is one reason why I do not intend to use Joomla 1.5x right now, because the primitive Registration-login is very susceptible to mods and spam attack.

    I wish there is a hybrid of the elegant simplicity of Wikimedia, and the needed features that were addressed in TikiWiki. Every collaborative effort, like the one I am proposing, could use a good Wiki, to help “get things right” — as you stated.

    questbg Friend

    <em>@victortopper 60722 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    merci de votre aide</blockquote>

    OK. C’est fait!! 🙂

    Maintenant il faut faire un nouveau ‘banner’ pour cette module ‘publicite’ qui et en haut!

    Bon Chance!!

    questbg Friend

    Cornelio ….

    1. I followed your instructions as ‘Admin’ in VictorToppers site, and he now has a new banner at the top. Thank you!!

    I didn’t realise at the time he was on Joomla 1, not 1.5, but seems OK now.

    2. With regards a ‘collective’ of like-minded individuals, working towards a common goal (first intance, sorting out problems, bugs in Teline II then later modifications of template) maybe we could create a small forum somewhere? Any users here could join in and contribute (mainly Teline II users to start) to discuss, help, and kick ideas around?

    Don’t think this would upset anybody at JA and it would keep this place ‘tidier’ with less posts on the same subjects?

    Let me know your thoughts!


    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@questbg 60734 wrote:</em><blockquote>Cornelio ….

    1. I followed your instructions as ‘Admin’ in VictorToppers site, and he now has a new banner at the top. Thank you!!

    I didn’t realise at the time he was on Joomla 1, not 1.5, but seems OK now.

    2. With regards a ‘collective’ of like-minded individuals, working towards a common goal (first intance, sorting out problems, bugs in Teline II then later modifications of template) maybe we could create a small forum somewhere? Any users here could join in and contribute (mainly Teline II users to start) to discuss, help, and kick ideas around?

    Don’t think this would upset anybody at JA and it would keep this place ‘tidier’ with less posts on the same subjects?

    Let me know your thoughts!


    Hi Chris,

    I saw that, and I sent you an urgent note. Please communicate it directly to Victor and for him to take the needed steps.

    As to a different forum. The link


    I provided in my first response to Victor in this thread shall contain some ideas in regard this, and more initially planned for another key member here. We have been talking for a few weeks now about more radical ideas on how to create better templates as I have proposed here in the Forum when I joined last year. I proposed it to Joomlart through the Forum, and also in GavickPRO but it looks like the Joomla templates companies have a different perspective. So, I am exploring whether there are like minded people who would be interested to explore this different approach. One member here responded positively. I will propose to him some more concrete ideas through the link above. That has been what I have been working on, aside from posting here.

    While the above is a separate project altogether, it is related to the “collaborative group” that I have espoused here also. Thus, I will let you in on the above link when it is ready, as you seem to be most receptive to my proposal on “collaborative group”. I will try to work on it this weekend. I hope I have some preliminary stuff by next week. It would be good to keep this small first to some core people.

    I have created also another site for the proposed “collaborative group” that is separate from the “incubation ideas” planned in other site indicated above. The “collaborative group” shall be independent from the one proposed in the above link, but there is a relationship that should be kept at arms length — just like the “collaborative group” we are discussing here must be autonomous from Joomlart.

    Creators of templates must be separate from the majority of users of these templates because of their differing perspectives. One could stiffle the other if the delineation is not observed.

    Honestly, Joomlart should be happy that we are doing it. But, even if they are not, the focus of the planned “collaborative group” anyway is larger than Joomlart and more to look after the concerns of people like us who have common interests.

    I do not want to take any combative attitude towards groups like Joomlart,. because any company that could come up with JA Teline II deserves some respect — even if it is still buggy.

    There is no reason why the “collaborative group” can have more fruitful relationships with Joomlart, and for that matter other companies that make good templates and other products that people like us — creating websites need.


    cgc0202 Friend

    I have to go to the Charles Schwab office so I won’t be back until later, and it might be past midnight in Europe, already.


    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@questbg 60710 wrote:</em><blockquote>OK, I will try my best, but my French is a bit rusty and my Joomla/Teline skills are very basic, here’s Cornelio’s explanation to get banner above news module:

    Voici les renseignements de Cornelio…

    Premierement, ‘LogIn’ comme ‘Admin’, suite, aller a “Module Manager”

    Trouver le module “banners”. Maintenant, faire une copie de ce module comme suite…
    Selectionnez le module “banners” comme ce-ci:

    Trouver “Copier” icône en haut à droite comme ce-ci

    Maintenant, vous aurez une copie du module “banners” sur la list, au dessous l’original nommé “Copy of Banners”

    Re-nommez “Copy of Banners” comme suite…
    Cliquez sur le nom “Copy of Banners” sur la list

    Renommez “Copy of Banners” comme vous voulez! Alors, comme la-mien “pub”!

    En suite, faites:

    Show Title – cliquez sur “Yes”
    Enabled – cliquez sur “Yes”
    Position – sélectionnez “ja-news”
    Access Level – sélectionnez “Public”
    ID – choisir un nombre. Attention: il est préférable si ce nombre n’est pas déjà dans la liste des “modules”.

    OK. Maintenant, cliquez sur “Save” icône en haut à droite comme ce-ci:

    Cela vous ramène à la liste “modules” encore.

    Cliquez sur le menu “- Select Position-” et sélectionnez “ja-news”

    À l’aide des flèches, changer l’ordre des modules de sorte que “pub” est en haut, “ja new front” est deuxieme est “ja news” est la troisieme:

    Et Voila!

    Maintenant, vérifier votre site.

    Vous devriez maintenant avoir une copie de la bannière en bas, en haut, au-dessus de l’actualité.

    Alors, bon chance!!


    Thanks Cornelio for your precise instructions and I hope this can help VictorHopper. I also followed this tutorial through live on my own site, and it worked for me! I changed the last bit a tiny bit (changing the order) as you can probably see from my images, but this worked far easier for me to only have the three modules in the list, so hopefully this will work easily for others!


    Not only that, it gave me more confidence to start copying modules and changing positions, a great exercise for me and I’m now making other changes to my template, fantastic!

    If only I had more like that to follow!

    Good luck VictorHopper, hope this helps and thanks again Cornelio.

    Hi Chris,

    With your permission, I would like to use your images to present in a separate thread a sample How To (in English) that should be the basis of what Joomlart should be doing in the first place. Then, please post your French translation. I hope Joomlart gets the idea; but we shall do it anyway in the collaborative group.


    questbg Friend

    <em>@cgc0202 60787 wrote:</em><blockquote>With your permission, I would like to use your images to present in a separate thread a sample How To (in English) that should be the basis of what Joomlart should be doing in the first place.
    No worries Cornelio. Let this be the first of many tutorials like this!! Make sure this one is marked Teline II using Joomla 1.5.3. The method in Joomla 1.0 is somewhat different.

    VictorTopper has asked me to do the same for him in Joomla 1.0, so I shall produce the same tutorial in English and French, but with the appropriate instructions and images for Joomla 1.0.

    Talk soon with regards a ‘break-out’ Teline II development forum 🙂

    (VictorTopper also likes this idea!)

    questbg Friend

    Instructions for adding a banner above the Front Page module in Teline II, this time for Joomla 1.0

    1. Accessing the Modules list

    Login to the site as Administrator

    Go to Modules Manager (Modules Menu -> Site Modules)

    2. Make a copy of the Banners module

    Find the module named “Banners”
    Click the box to select this module

    Click on the “Copy” icon top right

    Now you will have a new module called “Copy of Banners” in the list, just below the original “Banners” module:

    3. Rename “Copy of Banners”

    Click on the “Copy of Banners” module in the list

    You will now be taken to the ‘Edit’ window. Rename “Copy of Banners” to your new name:

    4. Edit other settings for the new banner

    Show title: Click “Yes”
    Position: Select “JA News”
    Module Order: Select “JA News Frontpage”
    Access Level: “Public”
    Published: Select “Yes”

    Now click on the “Save” icon top right

    This will take you back to the list of modules

    5. Changing the Banner order

    In the Module Manager, in “Select Position” choose “ja-news”

    This will show the three items (“JA News Frontpage”, “JA News” and the new banner, in this instance “publicite”)

    Use the arrows to alter the positions until “lapublicite” is top, “JA News Frontpage” is second and “JA News” is third:

    Click the “Save Order” icon

    Check your site, you should now have a banner above the news section.


    questbg Friend

    Instructions pour ajouter une “banner” au-dessus de la module “JA News Frontpage”
    Utilisation de “Teline II” et “Joomla 1.0”

    Accéder à la liste des modules

    Premierement, ‘LogIn’ comme ‘Admin’, suite, aller a “Modules Manager” (Modules Menu -> Site Modules)

    2. Faites une copie du module “banners”

    Trouvez le module “banners” dans la liste
    Cochez la petite-boite de sélectionner

    Cliquez “Copier” icône en haut à droite comme ce-ci

    Maintenant, vous aurez une copie du module “banners” sur la list, au dessous l’original nommé “Copy of Banners”:

    3. Re-nommez “Copy of Banners”

    Cliquez sur le nom “Copy of Banners” sur la list:

    Renommez “Copy of Banners” comme vous voulez! Alors, celui “lapublicite”!

    4. Modification d’autres paramètres bannière

    Show title: cliquez “Yes”
    Position: sélectionnez “JA News”
    Module Order: sélectionnez “JA News Frontpage”
    Access Level: “Public”
    Published: sélectionnez “Yes”

    OK. Maintenant, cliquez sur “Save” icône en haut à droite

    Cela vous ramène à la liste “modules” encore.

    5. Changer l’ordre des modules

    In the Module Manager, in “Select Position” choose “ja-news”

    Cliquez sur le menu “- Select Position-” et sélectionnez “ja-news”

    À l’aide des flèches, changer l’ordre des modules de sorte que “pub” est en haut, “ja new front” est deuxieme est “ja news” est la troisieme:

    Cliquez sur “Save Order” icône

    Maintenant, vérifier votre site.

    Vous devriez maintenant avoir une copie de la bannière en bas, en haut, au-dessus de l’actualité.


Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 78 total)

This topic contains 78 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  cgc0202 16 years, 6 months ago.

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