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June 29, 2008 at 5:38 pm #257024<em>@cgc0202 63187 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thanks Ana,
That is a very good point to emphasize. Indeed, the same procedure may be used for almost all modules, renamed and customized for specific purposes and then placed in other parts of the site. In fact, certain modules may be transformed to other uses than what is intended originally in the Demo.
One thing that should be made clear also is that the How To below was tailored for Joomla 1.0x version. I believe since many Joomla 1.5x users are more daring in braving the unknown, except for the case that the “tables and the chairs” had been rearranged — the concept is the same. I believe, Chris plans to prepare more specific How Tos tailored for Joomla 1.5x based from these tutorials.
I am in the process of creating the website where all this may be organized as well as other resources. related to webdesign and other internet resources. We have other tutorials in progress, so I hope you and others who are able to translate them in other languages — Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, etc. — would be welcome to help.
Thanks again, Ana.
¡Está perfecta! Gracias por tu respuesta tan rápida, no me esperaba que fuera así.Ahora, vamos al punto. Me he descargado el JA Teline II, que quiero utilizar para un servicio de noticias. En la actualidad estoy usando el PHP-Nuke, que no satisface mis aspiraciones y deseos, como sí lo hace el JA Teline II. Lo instalé en local sin ningún problema, pero en el servidor tengo algunas dificultades, que te describo a continuación
Bueno, la cuestión es que una vez subido los ficheros al servidor y eliminado la carpeta de instalación, en los documentos sale lo siguiente:
“Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied home/ciudado1/public_html/modules/mod_janews/helper.php on line 100”.
(Puedes verlo en esta dirección http://www.ciudadoriental.net)
Parece que me niega el acceso a algo, pero no se exactamente como resolverlo.
La segunda parte es que, si es posible, necesito colocar banners publicitarios encima de la página (tal como está en http://www.ciudadoriental.com) y colocar otro banner a la derecha del logo, como está en http://www.ciudadoriental.com.
Esos banners deben estar en Gif, lo que puedo hacer sin dificultad. Lo que no puedo es habilitarlos para colocarlos en el JA Teline II.
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June 29, 2008 at 6:20 pm #257025Cinthia:
Para poder ayudarte. Usas Joomla 1.5? Verifica que tus directorios estan en 777. Ya para los otros problemas iremos poco a poco, porque todos estamos confrontando inconvenientes con este template. Es muy lindo y util, pero necesita trabajo. Mi pagina es libroalibro.org y por el momento, yo pude cambiarle el logo a la izquierda. Dime si algo asi es lo que deseas hacer.
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June 29, 2008 at 6:30 pm #257027Ana
Voy a probar cambiando los accesos a todos los archivos y directorios a 777, para ver qué resulta y ya te cuento los resultados.
Por otra parte, ya logré colocar, con el tuto del que hiciste la traducción al español, colocar un par de banner en lugares distintos en la portada.
Ahora, de lo que se trata es de colocar un banner EXACTAMENTE donde está el módulo de la fecha, inicio de sesión , crear cuentas, text size, etc. Estos no me interesan en esa posición. De hecho, por ahora no me interesan. Ese espacio me resulta mejor colocando publicidad, como la que tengo en ciudadoriental,com.
Vamos a seguir investigando, si logro tener la respuesta, te avisaré por esta misma vía.
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June 29, 2008 at 6:51 pm #257030<em>@anaivelisse 63192 wrote:</em><blockquote>Cinthia:
Para poder ayudarte. Usas Joomla 1.5? Verifica que tus directorios estan en 777. Ya para los otros problemas iremos poco a poco, porque todos estamos confrontando inconvenientes con este template. Es muy lindo y util, pero necesita trabajo. Mi pagina es libroalibro.org y por el momento, yo pude cambiarle el logo a la izquierda. Dime si algo asi es lo que deseas hacer.</blockquote>
Ana IvelisseTu orientación ha sido muy valiosa. En apenas unos minutos, gracias a tu colaboración, he logrado aprender a publicar más de un banner y, además, corregí los permisos que me denegaban el acceso a ciertos archivos.
Esta última (los permisos) parte la obtuve de la siguiente manera:
Como no sabía exactamente cuál era el archivo o carpeta al que tenía que cambiarles los permisos a 777, los cambié a todos directamente en la carpeta public_html o www.Para hacerlo, utilizá el programa de FTP gratuito Filezilla y, una vez conectado en el servidor, hice clic derecho sobre la carpeta public_html y, a seguidas, seleccioné cambiar permisos.
Problema resuelto. Ahora me dedicaré a conocer otras partes de JA Teline II, puesto que quiero migrar cuanto antes del PHP-Nuke.
Ah!, Me olvidé decirte que estoy aprendiendo a usar el Joomla 1.5, que lo descargué junto con el JA Teline II. Nunca antes había usado Joomla.
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June 29, 2008 at 6:59 pm #257031We need a Spanish Forum too.:)
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June 29, 2008 at 7:02 pm #257032Cinthia
Para colocar un banner de publicidad donde esta el login/text/crear cuenta, etc, tienes que desactivar el ja-login en el user 4 y en su lugar, actividad el banner que desees.
Yo uso el Joomla en ingles, asi que a veces estoy un poco perdida con los terminos en espanol.
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June 29, 2008 at 7:03 pm #257033Cornelio
Maybe yes…I am translating the User Guide into Spanish just to kick that off!
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June 29, 2008 at 7:15 pm #257037<em>@anaivelisse 63202 wrote:</em><blockquote>Cornelio
Maybe yes…I am translating the User Guide into Spanish just to kick that off!</blockquote>
Ana IveliseVoy a probarlo despues que le cambie los parámetros para el logo de mi periódico.
Gracias de nuevo. Me solucionas un gran problema.
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June 29, 2008 at 8:45 pm #257043<em>@anaivelisse 63202 wrote:</em><blockquote>Cornelio
Maybe yes…I am translating the User Guide into Spanish just to kick that off!</blockquote>
That will be great Ana,
I assume that this is for the Joomla 1.5x? The Joomla 1.0x is not as popular but I wrote a tutorial also for this:
General Steps for the QuickStart Installations of Joomla – Joomlart Template kits.If both the installation, and post installation procedures, as well as customization processes are written, then most of the usual questions of customers may be answered. No more need for the Forum:)
I also started “databases”
Links to solved problems known bugs of Joomla 1.5x-JA Teline II
http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/links-to-solved-problems-known-bugs-of-joomla-1-5x-ja-teline-ii/Links to solved problems known bugs of Joomla 1.0x-JA Teline II
http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/links-to-solved-problems-known-bugs-of-joomla-1-0x-ja-teline-ii/that include links to the autolist of solved problems here in the JA Teline II site, as well as teh Tutorial section here in Joomlart.
If you know anyone else who knows and is willing to help, please invite them.
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June 29, 2008 at 8:53 pm #257044Cornelio-
I finished the traslation of The User Guide for Joomla 1.5 (although I included comments for Joomal 1.0 users as well). Now I don’t know what to do next. It is a Word Document with images from the User Guide in English. Would you recommend to upload the documents itself?
Need advice.
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June 29, 2008 at 9:36 pm #257049<em>@anaivelisse 63214 wrote:</em><blockquote>Cornelio-
I finished the traslation of The User Guide for Joomla 1.5 (although I included comments for Joomal 1.0 users as well). Now I don’t know what to do next. It is a Word Document with images from the User Guide in English. Would you recommend to upload the documents itself?
Need advice.</blockquote>
Hi Ana,
I have posted a note for you about some stuff for Joomla 1.0x installation. I will see if I still have the old userguide for Joomla 1.0X -JA Teline.
There will be problems if you paste directly into a Joomla edit page, a rich text document, especially coming from Microsoft Word? but also from other rich text files. There are likely to be tags there, like tables or anything that involves dimensions that can mess up your website.
Ideally, a WYSIWYG editor should strip (or not allow) the “markups” but if your editor does allow them, there are markups like “divs” or “table related” mark ups that cause problems. if the companion open or close markup is not in the one you copied.
Also, the other day, I posted a complete “table” (i.e., Table, td, tr) layouts for templates via the “html” editor and the layout that you see in a regular “.html page” did not show up properly:
<! --- begin Tab 001 --->
<table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="1" width="800%" height="" align="center" valign="top">
<! --- begin Tab 001 r001 --->
<! --- begin Tab 001 r001c001 --->
<td width="10000%" height="500" align="left" valign="top">
<! --- end Tab 001 r001c001 --->
<! --- end Tab 001 r001 ---><! --- begin Tab 001 r002 --->
<! --- begin Tab 001 r002c002 --->
<td width="100%" height="1500" align="left" valign="top">
<! --- end Tab 001 r002c002 --->
<! --- end Tab 001 r002 ---><! --- begin Tab 001 r003 --->
<! --- begin Tab 001 r003c003 --->
<td width="10000%" height="500" align="left" valign="top">
<! --- end Tab 001 r003c003 --->
<! --- end Tab 001 r003 ---></table>
<! --- end Tab 001 --->As you can see from the code, what should become a table with three rows (in static html page) became a table with three columns instead, in my Joomla 1.0x-JA Teline II site.
So, it looks like the “ table“, tr and td were either not defined or defined differently in the template.css
I think the editor used in this Joomlart forum t will not strip html markups but it will not “interpret” them either.
What to do?
The best is to transfer it to a “.txt” file which should strip the file of all mark ups. The drawback of the latter transfer is that you will lose all the rich-text markups automatically created by the Microsoft Word. So, you have to do the layouting again.
There must be another way, and Chris knows this already much better because he solved the problem. When he reads your post, he may share his thoughts.
He was able to format the How Tos above easily, so I think it should be “easier done than said” – to paraphrase a cliche.:)
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June 29, 2008 at 9:43 pm #257050Yes I have done before, but this is a looong document and I wanted to post it now.
So what I have to do is copy all the links used in the official user guide and transfer them to the translated document. It won’t be as fast as I want to be…
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June 29, 2008 at 9:50 pm #257051<em>@anaivelisse 63221 wrote:</em><blockquote>Yes I have done before, but this is a looong document and I wanted to post it now.
So what I have to do is copy all the links used in the official user guide and transfer them to the translated document. It won’t be as fast as I want to be…</blockquote>
What about starting a new thread here, and subdivide them into mini tutorials? Then, I am not sure if the wrap “html” tags will just wrap it, but not interpret it?
Do you know how to convert an entire Word Document into rich html markup? Then, subdivide them into sub sections. What computer do you use? Do you do FTP?
Provided there are no tables usually, it won’t be a problem transferring directly to the Joomla, using the html editor. I have done it before. I just strip the table html markups. Everything will be accepted by the default html editor in Joomla 1,0x.
The way Joomla 1.5x create “read more” and page breaks had caused some problems though. Not sure how to use Joomla 1.5xproperly yet.
We can place them directly in a Joomla page.
N.B. How did you add text to your current site?
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June 29, 2008 at 10:00 pm #257053I use a PC, do FTP and can convert doc in HTML. I have Dreamweaver also, so we have plenty of tools.
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June 29, 2008 at 10:11 pm #257054<em>@cgc0202 63226 wrote:</em><blockquote>That is great then. The site is ot ready yet, but if you want. You can FTP in a site the html files, subdivide them into short sections. I can view in my PageSpinner to delete any “tab’s and divs if any.
Then if you can provide me an index of the sudivisions. I can arrange them. And we could place them in a website.
Which is your source of the official document? Hung’s?
For example:
001System requirements ==> 001-sytem.html
002 Create database, username, password ==> 002-database.hrml
003 Installaton ==> 003-installaion.htmlit is best to subdivide the installation into seven parts
etc.because this is where many new users commit mistakes — like not actively uploading the sample data, or not creating the FTP username and password properly.
If it is subdivided, FAQs may be linked to the subparts.
This topic contains 78 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by cgc0202 16 years, 6 months ago.
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