Is it possible to add a module to display in the Flypage when clicking on a VirtueMart product in the browse page?
For instance, if I click on a product (listed as a submenu link in the Main Menu) the product will display in the Flypage. Additionally, I specified the 2J Tabs module to display in the JA News position for each product. Thus, on the product Flypage, the VirtueMart product and 2J Tabs module displays. Much Success!!!
But, when I click on the parent link in the Main Menu, the browse_1 page displays. When clicking on a product, the VirtueMart product displays in the Flypage but the 2J Tabs module does not display in the JA News module.
Is there a workaround? I assume this is associated with the code in flypage.tpl.php. right?
Any suggesions would be greatly appreciated. I have fought this issue for the past 2 weeks straight. Please Help!
Joomla 1.5.6
VirtueMart 1.1.2