I remember one one of the previous templates I tried out that the menus had around 6 colours to choose from for the background.
In community plus there is only one – blue and like the other template (can’t remember which one) you added in the module suffix the code _menu mod_blue or something like that.
I notice in the community plus template that you actually only need to put _menu in the suffix to turn the background of the menu or module blue. The mod_blue is not required.
I would like to have a number of colours like yellow, green, red as well as blue and am a bit confused about the css and what I need to do to copy it. It seems as though the _menu code for moduletable should have the background colour of blue (and the image) moved to another style with mod_blue.
Hope someone understands what I mean – I sort of understand css and can usually get around things but this one I can’t work out.