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  • jasonre Friend

    For Regulus EX Template:
    How would I add a new module position for the middle column above the mainbody? I do not want to change the current user 1-9 positions. Is this possible?

    Hung Dinh Friend

    Have a look a following codes from the index.php file of the template

    <div id="roller-wrapper">
    <div id="roller-outer">

    <?php if ( mosCountModules('user5') ) { ?>
    <div class="roller">
    <div class="roller-inner roller-one">
    <?php mosLoadModules ( 'user5',-2 ); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    <?php if ( mosCountModules('user6') ) { ?>
    <div class="roller">
    <div class="roller-inner roller-two">
    <?php mosLoadModules ( 'user6',-2 ); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    <?php if ( mosCountModules('user7') ) { ?>
    <div class="roller">
    <div class="roller-inner roller-three">
    <?php mosLoadModules ( 'user7',-2 ); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    <?php if ( mosCountModules('user8') ) { ?>
    <div class="roller">
    <div class="roller-inner roller-four">
    <?php mosLoadModules ( 'user8',-2 ); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    <?php if ( mosCountModules('user9') ) { ?>
    <div class="roller">
    <div class="roller-inner roller-five">
    <?php mosLoadModules ( 'user9',-2 ); ?>
    <?php } ?>


    <div id="clicker-outer">
    <li><a href="#prev" onclick="showPrev();clearRoll();" title="Previous">«</a></li>
    $num_of_clickers = 0;
    if ( mosCountModules('user5') ) $num_of_clickers++;
    if ( mosCountModules('user6') ) $num_of_clickers++;
    if ( mosCountModules('user7') ) $num_of_clickers++;
    if ( mosCountModules('user8') ) $num_of_clickers++;
    if ( mosCountModules('user9') ) $num_of_clickers++;
    for ($i=1;$i<=$num_of_clickers;++$i) {
    ?><li><a class="clicker" href="#<?php echo ($i < 10) ? "0".$i : $i; ?>"><?php echo ($i < 10) ? "0".$i : $i; ?></a></li><?php
    <li><a href="#next" onclick="showNext();clearRoll();" title="Next">»</a></li>
    <li><a href="#play/pause" onclick="playButtonClicked();return false;" id="playButton">Pause</a></li>


    <div id="ja-newsflash">
    if ( mosCountModules('top') ) {
    mosLoadModules ( 'top',-2 );
    } else { ?>
    <div style="padding: 40px 10px 10px 10px; text-align: center; color: #EEF6E8;">There's no newsflash available.</div>
    <?php }

    I think you can change the value of user5….user9 to any module name you wish

    jasonre Friend

    Thanks for the reply. I guess I’m still not clear what change will place the module directly above the mainbody section? I’m already using users5-9 for the moofx roller images as I understand it. If I change those then my roller will be affected right?
    -Can I add a user10 that will put content in a new section below the moofx roller and breadcrumb positions, but above the mainbody section in the middle column? Shown in this picture:

    arcadiomorales Friend

    This is exactely what I would like to know too. Please help.

    Khanh Le Moderator

    To add new module position user10 right before the main content, please find this code (around line 248)
    <!– BEGIN: CONTENT –>
    <div id=”ja-<?php echo $divid ?>”>

    And insert following code after
    <?php if ( mosCountModules( ‘user10’ )) { ?>
    <?php mosLoadModules ( ‘user10’ ); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    arcadiomorales Friend

    Thanks for the solution, khanh. I actually did it the same way, but when I try to put a tab module (http://extensions.joomla.org/component/option,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,727/Itemid,35/) inside, the module is all squized and the tabs are one UNDER another, not one BESIDE another.

    Can you try to edit your template and publish above module inside and see what’s wrong?

    Thank you very much.

    Khanh Le Moderator

    To use table module with this template, please open “Tab module” in Administrator Panel, switch “Use Joomla Tab” to “No”. Add below class to your css file:

    table.moduletable {

    arcadiomorales Friend

    Thanks for your help, khanh. Support here is really amazing. The module is displayed fine in IE, but it’s still all squized in FF. See the attachment. Any trick left in your stash?

    emilyho Friend

    I have added the code like you guided, but the user10 module does not appear in the Position drop down menu. Why?

    arcadiomorales Friend

    You also have to add User 10 position to Joomla’s database. In your administration, go to Site –> Template Manager –> Module Positions and add it.

    emilyho Friend

    Thanks a lot. It works perfectly, I love the support here. It’s so fast … 😀

    terence Friend

    Hi arcadiomorales

    I am with you up untill this point :You also have to add User 10 position to Joomla’s database. In your administration, go to Site –> Template Manager –> Module Positions and add it.

    Where in the Administrator panel is this done ? Edit HTML ? and the inserted here :
    <li><a href=”#prev” onclick=”showPrev();clearRoll();” title=”Previous”>«</a></li>
    $num_of_clickers = 0;
    if ( mosCountModules(‘user5’) ) $num_of_clickers++;
    if ( mosCountModules(‘user6’) ) $num_of_clickers++;
    if ( mosCountModules(‘user7’) ) $num_of_clickers++;
    if ( mosCountModules(‘user8’) ) $num_of_clickers++;
    if ( mosCountModules(‘user9’) ) $num_of_clickers++;
    for ($i=1;$i<=$num_of_clickers;++$i) {
    ?><li><a class=”clicker” href=”#<?php echo ($i < 10) ? “0”.$i : $i; ?>”><?php echo ($i < 10) ? “0”.$i : $i; ?></a></li><?php

    arcadiomorales Friend


    In your administration, go here: Site –> Template Manager –> Module Positions

    Then just type user10 to first empty field and save. This will add user10 to your modules positions dropdown list.

    terence Friend

    Thanx arcadiomorales….

    So no code alteration needed i can do it all from Admin Panel…?

    arcadiomorales Friend

    Yes, you don’t need to hack files for adding module position to joomla’s database. You can do it in your site’s administration. But if you want to USE user10 position with ja_regulus template, you have to hack your TEMPLATE’S index.php file like khanh described in fifth post in this thread.

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This topic contains 15 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  arcadiomorales 18 years, 3 months ago.

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