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  • syahzul Friend

    i would like to suggest T3 developer to add override template parameters. at the moment, the config.xml and params.xml is fetch from /plugins/system/jat3/core/admin/ and there’s no way (as far as I test) we can override these files. for example, i want to remove some settings from the page, or maybe i want to add additional values to existing fields, all i ca do is hack the JAT3 system plugin which is not a good idea.

    so i would like to suggest something like this:

    file: /plugins/system/jat3/core/admin/index.php

    $configfile = dirname(__FILE__).DS.’config.xml’;

    $userConfig = JPATH_ROOT . DS . ‘templates’ . DS . $template . DS . ‘core’ . DS . ‘config.xml’;

    if (JFile::exists($userConfig)) {
    $configfile = $userConfig;
    else {
    $configfile = dirname(__FILE__).DS.’config.xml’;

    $paramsFile = dirname(__FILE__).DS.’params.xml’;

    $userParams = JPATH_ROOT . DS . ‘templates’ . DS . $template . DS . ‘core’ . DS . ‘params.xml’;

    if (JFile::exists($userParams)) {
    $paramsFile = $userParams;
    else {
    $paramsFile = dirname(__FILE__).DS.’params.xml’;

    this way, we can override the params easily.

    i hope T3 dev can implement this (or maybe using some other technique) so template developers like myself and extend the template parameters without having to hacking the T3 core.

    1. index.zip
    n6rej Friend

    I’ve passed this along to the powers that be.

    ricosala Friend

    This is an interesting over ride as I have found the templating system a little hard to work with. Do you recommend we implement these changes?

    syahzul Friend

    i really hope T3 dev implement this so we can customize which parameter we want to show / hide from end users.

    n6rej Friend

    Can you give an example of which params you’d like to override? Also, I’d not recommend using DS as its deprecated. afaik

    syahzul Friend

    noted about the DS.

    about the parameters, if you take a look the Profile tabs, sometimes I want to hide the Google Font API Settings from end-user (the one who will use the template). because changing the fonts might break the template. or maybe I want to hide the User Tools setting section completely from end-user.

    T3 is a good framework for template developers, but the parameters page slightly overkill for end-user. so if we can override the parameters, we can hide some section that we don’t want to show to end-user.

    just my few cents 🙂

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  syahzul 13 years, 4 months ago.

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