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  • matthewgillard Friend

    How can I remove the JA Bookshop Styling for the Add this buttons. I want to use the Add this styling not JA Bookshop

    alexsmirnov Friend

    Hi there,

    Please have a look at the “Add “Addthis” buttons” section of our JA Bookshop documentation at http://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-templates/ja-bookshop#addthis-buttons.

    Hope this helps.



    matthewgillard Friend

    Hi Alex,

    I understand all of that but I want to remove the JA Bookshop styling. I dont like the black buttons and there is no JA Bookshop styling for pInterest. So I want to override the JA styling and use the default Add This styling. I want the buttons to look like attached screen shot

    1. Screen-Shot-2014-05-18-at-8.02.29-am
    alexsmirnov Friend

    Hi Matthew,

    You may want to disable the default JA AddThis “Sticky Module” and install (and publish on the “sticky” position) instead 3-rd party Joomla module recommended by and available for download at the AddThis.com.

    You can find it at https://www.addthis.com/get/sharing. Just make sure you selected the “Joomla” radio button:

    Once this module installed and published at the “sticky” position, you should arrive into something similar to this screenshot:

    Hope this helps



    1. 3rd_party_addthis_module_ja_bookshop_demo
    matthewgillard Friend

    Hi Alex,

    I have the Add this module installed and have it set to sticky but it is still picking up the JA Add This styling.

    How do I remove JA Styling from sticky block?

    alexsmirnov Friend

    Hi Matthew,

    Could you please PM me your web-stie URL and your Joomla Super User credentials?



    alexsmirnov Friend

    Hi Matthew,

    All done: the “AddThis – Bookmark and Sharing Tool” module is now picking up the styles just as you’ve asked. No heroics from me – just ol’ good uninstall/install trick did the job.

    Don’t forget to set up your own addthis.com profile ID number, there is none set up currently.

    I am marking this thread as solved now. For all the other issues you might have within the scope of our support policies please create their own dedicated threads and our support staff will happily pick them up for you in due course.

    Happy joomlarting



    1. new_addthis_module
Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  alexsmirnov 10 years, 8 months ago.

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