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  • P3TR4 Friend


    How can I add Time (Hours and Minutes) in JACM Magazine – Featured News: Style 1-4, JACM Magazine – Category Listing: Links, Style-1 & Style-2. ?

    Thank you

    Saguaros Moderator


    Which time you want to here? you mean published / created date?

    You can illustrate the modification you expect via screenshot so I will take a look.


    P3TR4 Friend

    Hi Saguaros,

    I want to add Time; Hours and Minutes (Show Publish Date) in:
    JACM Magazine – Featured News: Style 1-4,
    JACM Magazine – Category Listing: Links, Style-1 & Style-2.
    Articles – Category

    For Examples, like in the JA Teline V demo site:
    JACM – Magazine – Featured News : style-1 (In The Spotlight)
    JACM – Magazine – Category Listing : style-1 (Top Stories)
    JACM – Magazine – Category Listing : style-2 (Top Stories)
    Articles – Category (Most Read Tab)
    Articles – Category (Latest News Tab)

    … The time I put in red color in the attachment, but I want just normal color same as the Date..

    Thank You

    1. In-The-Spotlight
    2. Top-Stories
    3. most-read
    4. latest-news
    5. top-Stories-2
    Saguaros Moderator


    By default, Joomla content displays date time with formate: DATE_FORMAT_LC3

    To show the time next to the date, you can go to language file: [ROOT]/language/en-GB/en-GB.ini

    Look for this field:

    change it to:
    DATE_FORMAT_LC3="d F Y H:i"

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Saguaros 7 years, 5 months ago.

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