Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
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  • pramodsahu Friend

    Hello Team,

    Please guide me in this.

    I wanted to change ‘add to cart’ button instead of icon on home & category page



    1. screenshot-thoomri-com-2014-07-23-10-06-08
    Nazario A Friend


    Please open file: /templates/your_template_name/css/custom.css then replace this code:

    .product-grid .cart .btn, .box-product .cart .btn, .ja-product-grid .cart .btn {
    background: url("/components/com_mijoshop/opencart/catalog/view/theme/bookshop/image/icon-cart.png") no-repeat scroll center center #ec008c


    .product-grid .cart .btn, .box-product .cart .btn, .ja-product-grid .cart .btn {
    background: url("/components/com_mijoshop/opencart/catalog/view/theme/bookshop/image/icon-cart.png") no-repeat scroll 5px center #ec008c
    width: 120px;
    text-align: right;

    Let me know if this helps

    pramodsahu Friend

    Hello Nazario,

    Thank you, its working for home page.

    In category page its not displaying properly please see screenshot attached.

    like home how its displaying below price, it would be good in same way for category page.

    1. screenshot
    pramodsahu Friend

    please check screeshot

    1. screenshot-thoomri-com-2014-07-25-10-17-47
    Nazario A Friend


    Please open file: /templates/your_template_name/css/custom.css then replace this code:

    .product-grid .cart .btn, .box-product .cart .btn, .ja-product-grid .cart .btn {
    background: url("/components/com_mijoshop/opencart/catalog/view/theme/bookshop/image/icon-cart.png") no-repeat scroll 5px center #ec008c
    width: 120px;
    text-align: right;


    .product-grid .cart .btn, .box-product .cart .btn, .ja-product-grid .cart .btn {
    background: url("/components/com_mijoshop/opencart/catalog/view/theme/bookshop/image/icon-cart.png") no-repeat scroll 5px center #ec008c
    width: 120px;
    text-indent: inherit;
    .product-grid .cart, .ja-product-grid .cart {
    width: 106px;
    .product-grid .compare, .ja-product-grid .compare {
    right: 106px;

    Let me know if this helps

    pramodsahu Friend

    Hi Nazario,

    Thank you very much, its working. icon position need to be modified. At this moment we are shiftting demo server to permanent server, after completing i’ll check and let you know.

    I’m happy your support, we are able to solve this issue.
    Best Wishes.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pramodsahu 10 years, 5 months ago.

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