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  • marginmedia Friend


    I am wanting to add “You are here” to my breadcrumbs. I am using the T3 framework and i am usure what file I need to edit and what piece of code I need to add.

    Do I edit the mod_breadcrumbs.php file? If so what piece of code should I add to the file.

    Any help on this would be great.

    Thanks in Advance

    aman204 Friend

    You can simply assign breadcrumb module to breadcrumbs position and specific text will appear 🙂

    marginmedia Friend

    I have assigned the breadcrumbs to the position but it is not showing the “You are here text” It will display the page but I want to add the “You are here Text”

    Does anyone know which php file i need to edit to add this text before the breadcrumbs?

    thanks in advance

    aman204 Friend

    Can you provide a link to your site

    <blockquote>Does anyone know which php file i need to edit to add this text before the breadcrumbs?</blockquote>

    Here is the php file reference along with code snippet from where it is generated::

    plugins/system/jat3/base-themes/default/blocks/navhelper.php file

    <div class=”ja-breadcrums”>
    <strong><?php echo JText::_(‘You are here’)?></strong> <jdoc:include type=”module” name=”breadcrumbs” />

    neeshu Friend

    you can goto modules and then change the text which it has to show

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