<em>@joliver 198268 wrote:</em><blockquote>I’m building a new site with JA Droid. I love the look but I would like more options with the font choices.
How do I add new fonts (i.e myriad, bebas) to the List in my google font profile dropdowns?
Thanks for your help!
Dear joliver,
The google font were inserted into the core section of codes,You can go to the file
pluginssystemjat3coreelementgfonts.php file and do adjustment this line of codes
[PHP] $gfont_group = array (‘latin’=>array(‘Cantarell’, ‘Cardo’, ‘Crimson Text’, ‘Cuprum’, ‘Droid Sans’, ‘Droid Sans Mono’, ‘Droid Serif’, ‘IM Fell’, ‘Inconsolata’, ‘Josefin Sans Std Light’, ‘Lobster’, ‘Molengo’, ‘Neucha’, ‘Neuton’, ‘Nobile’, ‘OFL Sorts Mill Goudy TT’, ‘Old Standard TT’, ‘PT Sans’, ‘Philosopher’, ‘Reenie Beanie’, ‘Tangerine’, ‘Vollkorn’, ‘Yanone Kaffeesatz’),
‘Cyrillic’=>array(‘Cuprum’, ‘Neucha’, ‘PT Sans’, ‘Philosopher’),
‘Greek’=>array(‘GFS Didot’,’GFS Neohellenic’),
I hope this helps !