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  • piojo777 Friend

    I would like to add a banner between each home section. Like the image attached.

    I tryed editing the file templates/ja_teline_v/acm/news-list/tmpl/style-1.php
    I have added this code;
    $position = “banner-cat” . $index;
    echo $helper->renderModules($position) ;
    Before the endforeach but the three banners shows together after the first section.

    Can you help me?

    1. preview
    2. preview2
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    That’s news-home position and you can add new banner module on it and order by it between other modules.

    piojo777 Friend

    I probably did not explain myself well. The English language is not my main language.
    I want to add a banner between the categories module “Advanced Custom JoomlArt module” with style “Magazine – Listing Category: style-1”. Like this:
    ? Articles Category
    ? Banner
    ? Articles Category
    ? Banner
    ? Articles Category
    ? Banner
    I have added this code before the endforeach from this file “templates/ja_teline_v/acm/news-list/tmpl/style-1.php”:
    <? php
    *** $ position = “banner-cat”. $ index;
    *** echo $ helper-> renderModules ($ position);
    But the modules appear together after the first category.
    If I add any other code, like and empty div, it works fine. The problem is when I want to add a module position.
    Let me know if I explain myself better.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I tried to duplicate the problem of you mentioned above but I could not reproduce it.

    Please pm me URL of your site and admin login, I will check that issue directly on your site.

    piojo777 Friend

    Hi, I solved my problem. It was a mistake I made.
    Adding the code to that file made what I needed.

    piojo777 Friend

    Hi, I solved my problem. It was a mistake I made.
    Adding the code to that file made what I needed.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  piojo777 9 years, 8 months ago.

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