I am trying to add bg colour to the BODY table of the template. I’d also like to have the text have a 10px margin around it. I am a newbee with Joomla so I am not sure if I have found the correct part of the css file to edit.
Here’s what I think i need to edit:
#ja-mainbody #ja-content {
background: #FFFFFF;
float: right;
width: 70%;
padding-right: 2.5%;
and so far I am making it look like
#ja-mainbody #ja-content {
background: #FEF9D5;
float: right;
width: 70%;
If I add a margin it shifts the whole ‘table’? over. Not what I want. I’d like a 10px pad, like a cell pad.
Sorry if this is not clear. Thanks for any help.