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  • sbaldwin Friend

    Hi All,

    i was wondering how to add a grey border that matches the other grey borders. I would like it to be between the the custom banner modules/right posistion. please see attached screen shot of the area.


    1. grey-line
    questbg Friend

    I actually had to fudge mine! I opened the graphic in Photoshop, made it a few pixels deeper and then added the border manually. I’m sure there’s a much better way of doing it, but I didn’t have the time!

    theprofessor Friend

    <em>@questbg 131102 wrote:</em><blockquote>I actually had to fudge mine! I opened the graphic in Photoshop, made it a few pixels deeper and then added the border manually. I’m sure there’s a much better way of doing it, but I didn’t have the time!</blockquote>

    For sure that would work…unless you plan on changing the images all the time. If so..ouch.

    I’ve also fudged a lot in Photosho…err..who am I kidding, I’m too cheap. I use GIMP. 😀

    sbaldwin Friend

    Hi Guys,
    Thanks so much for your responses! Yes, I will probably be adding ads (modules) quite a bit and would like to be able to somehow set the the “module class suffix” to create the matching grey border. This way maybe using the module calss suffix to individula modules. Anyone know how to create and easy class suffix for grey line?

    PS what’s GIMP?

    questbg Friend

    <em>@sbaldwin 131232 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    PS what’s GIMP?</blockquote>

    GNU Image Manipulation Program (Free graphics software). More info and download here:


    sbaldwin Friend

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks so much for you reply! What I’d really love to do is somehow add a suffix to be applied to CSS class for indivdual style (adding grey line). Not sure how this works but if I was able to go in and add this in the suffix area (see attached) for creating the line for banner ads that would be great.

    It seems the line(s) show up between the modules automatically but not for banner modules I’m adding for clients.

    Must be something in the Module CSS that creates it for normal modules. I would like to have it for banner modules as well otherwise they butt up against each other with no space.

    Anyone know how to add a matching line inbetween banner mods as well?:confused:

    1. module_suffix
    questbg Friend

    mmmm … I’m afraid my knowledge of CSS and code is somewhat limited.

    From what I can gather, all of the current ‘grey lines’ for Telline II modules are included in the template.css file and are indicated with:

    border-top: 5px solid #ABABAB

    This means that the module has a gray, 5-pixel solid line above it. So, basically, you have to find the ‘nested div’ for the item you want lines above and add the bit of code, along with some ‘space’ so the grey lines don’t touch the actual module text.

    The code should look something like:

    border-top 5px solid #ABABAB;
    margin: 0 0 20px;
    padding: 0 1px'

    You would have to play with the margin a bit to get the spacing right.

    Hopefully, some code guru will pop along and tell you exactly what you need to put and where!!!


    cjmicro Friend

    I would like to do this too. I wonder if including an img style in the css would help. It seems like including a border would just put the border at the top or bottom of the entire module, not in between each image.

    Can you post back what you got to work sbaldwin? I have to go out, but I will test my idea later too, and maybe we can get this working!

    I also wondered if there is a way to make the banners show up horizontally, if I wanted a bunch of small ones at the bottom of the page or something. Any ideas there?


    bookpeg Friend

    Is it possible to add grey lines or seperators between the ja news frontapge artices.

    sbaldwin Friend

    Hi Everyone!
    Chris, thanks for the info! I’m hoping someone might know how to create a Module Class Suffix to individual Banner Modules (to apply the matching Grey Line to seperate the Ad Banners just like it looks for Modules). This way I can just add the “Suffix” in the Modual Class Suffix field for only those that I want the grey line to appear. My first post has the screen shot of that field.

    Chris you have found what I’m looking for, now perhaps someones knows how to create a Suffix from your info?

    I know Joomlart creates Modual Suffixes for custom style of Modules…hopefully they can get back or perhaps this could be a paid job.

    Hahn? Someone from JA…PM me?

    cjmicro Friend

    You should be able to find out how to create a new module style (suffix) in the forum here. If I remember correctly you can just copy one of the current styles then rename it and change its behaviour in the CSS. I have done it before and it’s not hard. I’m just not sure it will create the line BETWEEN images, but I will go give it a try then report back.


    cjmicro Friend

    Ok try this, you can change as needed:

    /* banner module */
    margin: 0 0 20px;
    padding: 0 1px;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 100%;
    float: left;
    clear: both;

    div.module_banner img {
    padding: 10px;
    border-bottom: 2px solid gray;
    border-top: none;
    border-left: none;
    border-right: none;
    background: none;

    This gives my banners some space between (which I wanted) takes off the gray border in ruby (default for ruby), and adds the horizontal line underneath each one.

    Paste the code in your css, then give your banner module the suffix _banner

    Hope it helps!

    sbaldwin Friend

    Great Cheryl,

    I’ll give it a try try tonight and get back…thanks!

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