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  • tomo555 Friend


    I’m using JA_Puresite as my main template and also using JA_Lens for a slideshow gallery which all works fine. I’m only using the JA_Lens template because I can’t get the same slideshow functionality in JA_Puresite……

    The only problem I have is when I’m in the JA_Lens template page I have no menu to return to my main default JA_Puresite homepage. The only menu item that is displayed is the JA_Lens logo which upon clicking only returns to the page I’m already on i.e. the JA_Lens slideshow page.

    QUESTION 1: Is there a way to activate teh original header menu that the JA_Lens template came with without making it the default template?

    QUESTION 2: How do I create a new header menu on this JA_Lens template? :-[

    QUESTION 3: Which file (.css?) would I edit to repoint the JA_Lens logo to return to my JA_Puresite Home page?:confused:

    If anyone can point me to a tutorial about menus and multiple templates on one site that would be fantastic…



    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi Tomo,

    <blockquote>QUESTION 1: Is there a way to activate teh original header menu that the JA_Lens template came with without making it the default template?</blockquote>
    Yes, I have activated it.

    <blockquote>QUESTION 2: How do I create a new header menu on this JA_Lens template? </blockquote>
    Just create a menu module and assign to ‘mainnav’ position. I did it for you already.

    <blockquote>QUESTION 3: Which file (.css?) would I edit to repoint the JA_Lens logo to return to my JA_Puresite Home page?</blockquote>
    You can customize the logo in templates/ja_lens/css/template.css start from line 689

    /* Logo Text ---*/
    #logo {
    float: left;
    position: relative;
    width: 60px;
    height: 60px;
    background: none;

    #logo h1 {
    height: 60px;
    width: 60px;
    background: #de3068

    #logo h1 a {
    color: #fff
    padding-left: 0px;
    width: 60px;
    height: 60px;
    line-height: 60px;
    background: url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat center center;
    display: block;
    font-size: 0px;
    text-indent: -9999em;

    #logo h1 a:hover {
    -webkit-animation-name: rotate;
    -webkit-animation-duration: 0.5s;
    -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    -webkit-transition-timing-function: linear;
    -moz-animation-name: rotate;
    -moz-animation-duration: 10s;
    -moz-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    -moz-transition-timing-function: linear;

    And can edit the line 117 in templatesja_lensindex.php

    <a href="<?php JURI::base(true) ?>" title="<?php echo JText::_('JA_DESC'); ?>"><span><?php echo JText::_('JA_NAME'); ?></span></a>
    to point to your JA Puresite homepage.

    Hope this help.


    tomo555 Friend

    <em>@tomo555 322471 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    I’m using JA_Puresite as my main template and also using JA_Lens for a slideshow gallery which all works fine. I’m only using the JA_Lens template because I can’t get the same slideshow functionality in JA_Puresite……

    The only problem I have is when I’m in the JA_Lens template page I have no menu to return to my main default JA_Puresite homepage. The only menu item that is displayed is the JA_Lens logo which upon clicking only returns to the page I’m already on i.e. the JA_Lens slideshow page.

    QUESTION 1: Is there a way to activate teh original header menu that the JA_Lens template came with without making it the default template?

    QUESTION 2: How do I create a new header menu on this JA_Lens template? :-[

    QUESTION 3: Which file (.css?) would I edit to repoint the JA_Lens logo to return to my JA_Puresite Home page?:confused:

    If anyone can point me to a tutorial about menus and multiple templates on one site that would be fantastic…



    Ok, Not sure what is going on here but the JA_Lens “Top” menu has suddenly appeared so I have no idea why it didn’t show before so I now have one menu on that page. Very confusing why it didn’t appear for 48 hours?

    My only question now is when you load a site template onto another website with an existing template…..should all the menus appear on that new site, headers, footers etc?

    Maybe I’m getting too old for this 🙂

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi Tomo,

    The “Top” menu does not suddenly appeared. I said that I have activated it.

    “My only question now is when you load a site template onto another website with an existing template…..should all the menus appear on that new site, headers, footers etc?”

    This is a general question. It hard to tell you. It is based on what you configuration on Joomla backend.
    You may want to take a look on http://help.joomla.org/images/User_manual/user_manual_v1%200%201_10%2021%2006.pdf


    tomo555 Friend

    <em>@Wall Crasher 322699 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Tomo,

    The “Top” menu does not suddenly appeared. I said that I have activated it.

    “My only question now is when you load a site template onto another website with an existing template…..should all the menus appear on that new site, headers, footers etc?”

    This is a general question. It hard to tell you. It is based on what you configuration on Joomla backend.
    You may want to take a look on http://help.joomla.org/images/User_manual/user_manual_v1%200%201_10%2021%2006.pdf


    Hi Wall Crasher,

    Thanks for activating the menu but I really need to know what you configured or us poor menials wont learn anything. Can you please show us how to activate this menu across all templates. If you look at thebuilddiary.com website you’ll notice that the main menu doesn’t show on all main menu pages…..Is this a bug or a config issue??????

    Thanks for the link to the super idiots guide for Joomla, I’ve been using joomla since version 1 but have never used this multiple template feature before WHICH ISN”T COVERED IN YOUR HANDY GUIDE FROM 2006!!!!!!

    Sorry mate but not cool!

    Cheers Tomo

    tomo555 Friend

    There was an issue checking in menu items which prevented me showing a menu on multiple module positions. Solved now!!!

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