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  • novelco Friend

    On the demo template, it looks perfect. However, there isn’t a horizontal rule on my shop. If you click on a category at http://www.acupuncturemediaworks.com/shop you will see what I mean. I want the horizontal rule underneath the product quantity and add to cart buttons. This would also be nice if they were on the same line, like in the demo as well…but I don’t see where to make that happen. I know I can add the hr tag to the description, but that doesn’t give it the right effect. Any help would be appreciated!

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear Novelco !
    You can do it following way below :
    Please open template.css file in templates/ja_mesolite/css folder, add following code section to that file :

    .browseProductContainer {
    border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC ;

    novelco Friend

    That did it, thanks!

    novelco Friend

    Sorry, just realized the add to cart and quantity do not show on the same line like in the demo. How do I fix that?

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear novelco !

    I have checked your site and see quality and add to cart button are same line now , Have you fixed it ?

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