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  • pacanniff Friend

    For the regular and active states for the JA Accordion module, I followed the code example presented for JA Nex and it works nicely in Teline IV.

    I would like to add triangular bullets to the Accordion module titles as shown in the attached site styleguide image. Can you provide me with some guidance on the necessary code changes?

    Thank you!


    Paul Canniff

    1. GEL-Styleguide
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    You can change it with css here
    <blockquote>Open templates/ja_teline_iv/css/template.css file</blockquote>

    .ja-accordion-containner li {
    background-image:none !important;

    change to

    .ja-accordion-containner li {

    pacanniff Friend

    I resolved it eventually using the CSS pseudo element :before.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pacanniff 12 years, 1 month ago.

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