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  • tdb6800 Friend

    I have moved my logo to the left side of the page and I’m trying to create a new module position to display the social media content on the right hand side of the logo instead of the topnav.

    I’ve been reading some posts and forums and this is what I’ve done, but I really have no clue if that is even right.

    I modified the header.php file and added the following to the bottom of the page

    <div class=”ja-header-r”>
    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”header-r” />

    Then I added the following to the template.css file

    /* Header Right —*/
    .ja-header-r { padding: 0; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 40px; width: 500px; }

    Again, I have no idea if that is even right. I’ve just been following instruction from other posts.

    So far, I do not see the new position added. Not sure where to go from here. Attached is an image of what I am trying to do. I am trying to place the social media buttons next to the logo instead of the topnav.


    1. Screen-shot-2012-11-18-at-6.47.25-PM
    HeR0 Friend

    Hi tdb6800,

    It seems like you have it all done. Try to clean all cache and use to get new module position.
    Assign the social module to the new module position header-r .
    If you still can not make it work. PM me your site url, admin account, ftp info. I shall need to have a further look and help you out with it.


    tdb6800 Friend

    Thank you HeR0.

    I got it. The issue was (and still is) that the new position was not showing up as a possible selection on the module manager. So I just typed it in the position text box and hoped for the best. That did the trick.

    Oh and for any further readers, I changed the template.css code to

    /* Header Right —*/
    .ja-header-r {top: 40px; width: 200px; float:right }

    So that it would display on the right hand side.

    Thanks again.

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Tdb6800,

    I’m glad that you have your problem all figured out!

    PS: when you create new positions. The first, new positions will not be displayed on the select box in the module setting. So you must type it in the text box then it will display in the select box in the future.
    It is a function of Joomla core.


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