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  • brentwilliams2 Friend

    I have heard feedback that the apply button isn’t obvious to the job seeker. So I decided to add the button to the top of the page, as well. It is very simple – I just took the apply code and modified it so it would be an anchor link:

    <span id="button_apply_<?php echo $item->id; ?>"> <?php
    if (((isset($this->app_list[$item->id]) && $jbconfig['posts']->get('allow_apply_several_time',0))||(!isset($this->app_list[$item->id])))&&($item->apply_type!='-1')) :
    $item->apply_type = str_replace('-1, ', '', $item->apply_type);
    $item->apply_type = str_replace(',-1', '', $item->apply_type);
    <img title="<?php echo JText::_('APPLY_JOB'); ?>" src="<?php echo JURI::base().'components/com_jajobboard/images/Check-16x16.png' ?>" alt="<?php echo JText::_('APPLY_JOB'); ?>" />  
    <?php if (count(array_intersect(explode(', ', $this->item->apply_type),explode(', ', $jbconfig['posts']->get('apply_option'))))>0&&count(explode(', ', $this->item->apply_type))==1&&$this->item->apply_type=='1'&&(substr($this->item->direct_url,0,7)=='http://' || substr($this->item->direct_url,0,8)=='https://')) : ?>
    <a class="btn-function" target="_blank" href="<?php echo $this->item->direct_url; ?>">
    <span style="vertical-align: top !important;"><?php echo JText::_('APPLY'); ?></span>
    <?php else : ?>
    <a class="btn-function" href="#apply-job-<?php echo $this->item->id?>" onclick="show_div_content('applyjob_<?php echo $item->id; ?>', '<?php echo $item->id; ?>')">
    <span style="vertical-align: top !important;"><?php echo JText::_('APPLY'); ?></span>
    <?php endif ; ?>
    <?php endif ; ?>

    I bolded/italicized the part in the code that is the important piece to change.

    You also might want to float it to the right, but that’s the basics of it.

    timmiller Friend


    Would you please let me know what file this is? Also, if you could change this post to show two different code windows (one with old code, one with new), that would be helpful… because I do not see any different with any of the text…

    Thanks so much!!!

    brentwilliams2 Friend

    Hi Tim,
    The file is views/jajobs/tmpl/jaview.php. That file defines how the individual job posting will show.

    As showing old code/new code, that doesn’t really apply in this situation. The code I showed above is added to the top of the page, rather than replacing any previous code. In case you are curious, I added it directly below this line:

    <div id="ja-splitcontent">

    Also, after I made the first post above, I realized that the apply button would show up for all users, rather than just job seekers, so this updated code will help a bit. (It also includes a float right attribute)

    <?php if (getCurrentUserType() != JBEMPLOYER_USER &&((isset($this->app_list[$item->id]) && $jbconfig['posts']->get('allow_apply_several_time',0))||(!isset($this->app_list[$item->id])))) :?>
    <span id="button_apply_<?php echo $item->id; ?>" style="float:right;"> <?php
    if (((isset($this->app_list[$item->id]) && $jbconfig['posts']->get('allow_apply_several_time',0))||(!isset($this->app_list[$item->id])))&&($item->apply_type!='-1')) :
    $item->apply_type = str_replace('-1, ', '', $item->apply_type);
    $item->apply_type = str_replace(',-1', '', $item->apply_type);
    <img title="<?php echo JText::_('APPLY_JOB'); ?>" src="<?php echo JURI::base().'components/com_jajobboard/images/Check-16x16.png' ?>" alt="<?php echo JText::_('APPLY_JOB'); ?>" />  
    <?php if ($this->item->apply_type=='1'&&(substr($this->item->direct_url,0,7)=='http://' || substr($this->item->direct_url,0,8)=='https://')) : ?>
    <a class="btn-function" target="_blank" href="<?php echo $this->item->direct_url; ?>" rel="nofollow">
    <span style="vertical-align: top !important;text-decoration:underline;"><?php echo JText::_('APPLY'); ?> For This Job</span>
    <?php else : ?>
    <a class="btn-function" href="#apply-job-<?php echo $this->item->id?>" onclick="show_div_content('applyjob_<?php echo $item->id; ?>', '<?php echo $item->id; ?>')">
    <span style="vertical-align: top !important;text-decoration:underline;"><?php echo JText::_('APPLY'); ?> For This Job</span>
    <?php endif ; ?>
    <?php endif ; ?>
    <?php endif ; ?>

    Hope that helps!

    timmiller Friend


    Thanks a ton…

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