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  • noffy Friend

    Hey folks,

    I try to create additional templates for the articles at the Minisite template but I don’t not how?

    What do I have to do, that I can choose additional templates while editing an article? Where is the standard template, I can use to modifiy?

    The only thing I want to do is to add an standard image to the article, so that this image is displayed in the slideshow module on the homepage.

    Thanks for your tips and hints.

    Best regards

    TomC Moderator

    Hi Michael:

    Can you, perhaps, clarify a bit as to what it is, exactly, you are trying/wanting to accomplish?

    I’ve roundtabled your original question with a couple of my Support Team colleagues, and we’re not entirely clear as to what you’re wanting.

    THANKS !!!

    TomC Moderator

    Upon further reflection . . . .

    If I’m getting you right, you want to add / modify the images and “articles” that are displayed in the slideshow?

    Open up your ja slideshow module and have a look at the description. There’s your Image and text you need to edit.

    noffy Friend

    Hi Tom,

    what I want is to use different layout for the articles. Sorry, but its called template in the German version I use.

    In Joomla it is possible to define different layouts for each article. You can choose this alternative layout at the article options during editing the article. In the standard installation of the ja minisite I only have the possibility to choose the “Default” “From Component”.

    Where can I define this alternative layout? Where is the file for the Default layout of ja minisite which I can modify? Where do I have to save the layout files? Maybe in htmlcom_contentarticle?

    Its not only to display the images at the ja slideshow module. These images have to display at the article view, too.

    Maybe someone has an idea for my problem and tips where I can find the original default layout file(s), which I can modify and use in the article options.

    Thanks for your efforts


    TomC Moderator


    I think the method you are going to need to employ is TEMPLATE/LAYOUT OVERRIDES

    Here are a couple of resources for you to review with regard to template/layout overrides in Joomla . . .



    Hope this helps point you in the right direction . . . . .

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  TomC 12 years, 6 months ago.

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