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  • suzanna Friend

    Can somebody share with me default addthis code from “connect with us” module? I had JCE enabled and all the code was lost/deleted on a save.

    Also, is there a way to prevent JCE (or whatever editor) from deleting <script> and other tags for super users?

    pavit Moderator


    <blockquote>Can somebody share with me default addthis code from “connect with us” module? I had JCE enabled and all the code was lost/deleted on a save.</blockquote>

    Take a look HERE

    <blockquote>Also, is there a way to prevent JCE (or whatever editor) from deleting <script> and other tags for super users?</blockquote>

    Before edit article or module you can temporarily disable your default editor from backend => Global configuration =>Site Tab=> Default editor = None

    Otherwise you can edit JCE from components => JCE editor profiles =>Default => Editor Parameters =>Advanced tab

    suzanna Friend

    There was a specific div code that I can’t see in that screenshot. I think each service (facebook etc) had its own div…

    pavit Moderator

    <em>@suzanna 459082 wrote:</em><blockquote>There was a specific div code that I can’t see in that screenshot. I think each service (facebook etc) had its own div…</blockquote>

    Add this code after disabled your default editor

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    You should change joomlart with your addthis account name

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