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  • otomol Friend

    How can i change the zoom on the map per each category, city or subject?

    I want to by able to view the map in a big zoom covering just a few blocks, like just the city center with museums, a marina, or the beach malecon restaurants.

    Also is it possible to lock the map icons, so they do not move by the users?

    1. Screen-shot-2016-10-05-at-12.47.21-PM
    Ninja Lead Moderator


    Thanks for your contacting us but the map does not option to change the zoom on the map per each category, city or subject.

    You can find the code to change the zoom on map from templates/ja_directory/html/com_k2/directory/category.php file

    $jamap = "{jamap locations='".json_encode($locations)."' map_width='100%' map_height='455' zoom='4' disable_scrollwheelzoom='1' display_scale='1' display_overview='1' draggable='0'}{/jamap}";

    with zoom=’4′ (it is the zoom level)


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