test melih
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  • dargelm Friend

    Hi, today I bought the Admin Template (unbelievable – I bought an alpha release…I’m an idiot).
    I installed it, I activated it…an all ist gone. There ist not one GUI-Element in the backend. The backend ist completely unusable.. I cannot make a rollback.

    I hope your support is better than your template…

    What I tried:
    Firefox, Safarai, Crome
    Caches cleared (Server +Browser)

    .. no effects

    Regrads, MArko

    1. admin-template-01
    2. admin-template-02
    3. admin-template-03
    James G Friend

    You can go into phpmyadmin and set the default template back to the isis theme?

    To add i installed and all worked fine apart from modules page is blank.

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    HEy MArko,

    Thats not suppose to happen. I myself tried the template with multiple installation. Please email me your site access to arvind@joomlart.com and I i will try to get it debugged.

    Certainly, it is impossible to test the product in all possible environment. I am sure, this is pretty easy to fix.

    No worries on buying a alpha. It is beta plus stage but I plan to add / improve features and thats why we release it as alpha. Gives us more room and time to iron out issues.


    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Hey James,

    Yes, the module part is pain. I am yet to finalize a better workflow for that part. That module part requires a module position chart also, so that its easier for users to know where they are publishing the modules. It would be great if you can share your backend access to me, I would like to see why the module page is blank.

    You can add me to skype : joomspot and I can get more feedback from you.



    dargelm Friend

    You can go into phpmyadmin and set the default template back to the isis theme?

    Thanky you for your hint. That was my idea also , but I didn’t find the right table + parameter.

    That’s why I reactivated isis manuelly.

    1. Duplicated in /administrator/templates the Isis-folder to "isis copy"
    2. renaemd the folder "ja_admin" to "ja_admin_org"
    3. renamed the isis-folder to "ja_admin"
    4. logged into the backend – the isis-template worked fine 🙂
    5. renamed the "isis copy" to "isis"
    6. set Isis to default-Template
    7. deactivated extensions "JA Admin Package" and "js_admin"

    Regrads, MArko

    dargelm Friend

    Please email me your site access to arvind@joomlart.com and I i will try to get it debugged.

    Thank you Arvind. I sent you the access data. Best regards, Marko

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Thanks Marko,

    Checked your email and your site. I need to replicate the issue on my local. I see that you are using JSN PowerAdmin and I will check the same and let you know if few hours.



    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Hi Marko,

    As suspected, JA Admin does not play nicely with JSN PowerAdmin extension. I have lined this issue and hopefully we would find and fix the bug.



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